
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7602

Received: 18/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Jamie Smith

Representation Summary:

The plans wax lyrical that the borough is local to the major roads M25 A12 A127, the issue is that the minor artery roads that feed the major road cannot cope today let alone with significant increased flows.

Full text:

I am writing to complain about the fact that until I received a local newsletter from the above parish council I was unaware of the major development plan proposed for Brentwood. Please give my comments thought.

My understanding from the Gazette is that Brentwood BC have been unable to get information out to the residents due to "printing problems". It does not bode well for me to have any confidence in our local government elected officials if they are unable to effectively communicate to the electorate on such a fundamental and emotional subject like mass housing on green belt.

I have already posted my concerns regarding the Dunton Garden Project, but really must reject most vigorously the plans regarding the development proposed for "substantial green belt land" offered up between Billericay Road and Running Waters. It is plainly obvious that the only critical mass of land that offers any potential to build 3000+ houses on is the 600+ acres of farm land and green belt listed below.

Site ref 02C. Land east of Running Waters Brentwood. SHLASS Ref G 040. Size 349.7 acres.

Sire ref 192 Heron Hall, Herongate, Brentwood. SHLAA Ref G015. Size 235 acres.

As explained in my email regarding Dunton, I am not adverse to the fact that the borough requires housing and that developers require substantial plots to make the developments economical but I am seriously against such dense housing.

My objection to the development is based upon the following:-


Presently it is obvious from many reports that both Basildon and Romford hospitals are simply unable to cope with the volume of patients especially A & E type emergencies. Our invaluable NHS is seriously at breaking point and to add 6000 homes in Dunton and another 5,500 in Brentwood this will only add further critical mass and exacerbate the problem.

Road Infrastructure.

Although the development plan may tweak the local road infrastructure as it allocated the development budget, we all know that the reality is that the current road infrastructure and maintenance is almost non existent especially on the more rural roads like immediately outside my home, where the surface and potholes are so poor that all traffic is criss crossing the road to avoid the damage (I have requested this to be reviewed as I will be making claims on the Borough as and when we have a fatal accident as I am confident we will). In addition under the proposal you plan housing on the farmland near my home, I hope that the water levels have been taken into account because rest assured the Billericay Road is prone to regular flooding with the surface water that runs off the farmland adjacent to the lane. The plans wax lyrical that the borough is local to the major roads M25 A12 A127, the issue is that the minor artery roads that feed the major road cannot cope today let alone with significant increased flows.

Law and Order

Having moved into my property 2 years ago my out buildings have been broken into several times, with the lack of police available today I no longer inform the police having been told that the event does not warrant a visit. What additional resources will the local force be given to ensure that law and order is maintained. In addition I read someone in the local authority in Billericay stated that Billericay would not be effected where does he think these new residents will shop, and be entertained. We all know that Brentwood is a no go high street unless you have been bused in with a fake tan, false white teeth that glow in the dark. Now I am all in favour of growth but increased people invariably lead to increased trouble especially if we are not successful in attracting the right people.

Rail Infrastructure

C2C provide an excellent service however with additional stations planned and possible an additional 11,000 homes between Dunton and Brentwood development not too mention Thurrock the increase in passengers will require a 12 carriage minimum train service per services. As a commuter for over 30 years I can assure you that a seat is a luxury.
In addition to increased traffic at railways, parking is in short supply and with the thieves who run NCP we need land subsidised or made available for more affordable parking at railway stations.


I moved to xxxxxx just over two years ago. I moved from Corringham to Herongate because I was able to buy a little piece of Herongate history, with ancient blue bell woodland. I have no light pollution with a wonderful village of people and environment. Do I really want to be looking out onto hundreds of new homes which will hardly be designed to keep the charm of the current residences. I have fully refurbished the cottage at great expense and am now beginning work on my blue bell woods to restore it back to its former glory, should I now make that investment? If my local council are not prepared to give full and thorough consideration to the environment or its current tax paying residents I see little return in me doing the same in attempting to improve the woodland for future generations.


I am of course sympathetic to the need of additional houses but I urge our representatives to think carefully of housing under critical mass, where possible make every effort to meet the housing using brown field sites and protect our green belt at all cost, if we need to use green belt then where possible and with the thoughts of local residents be sympathetic when forging the plans. If houses are required in more rural parts of the borough then look to ensure that current residents are not overlooked or the space that they have worked hard to secure is not unduly encroached upon.

I am trusting our officials and representative to do the right thing, every decision needs to reflect the needs of the current people living in the borough balanced against the obvious demand for housing.