
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7584

Received: 30/01/2015

Respondent: K Provenzani

Representation Summary:

Support designation of a Country Park north of Brentwood/Shenfield, south of A12.

This would be near, not dangerous like walking to Weald, not crowded like Thorndon. Parks have been a life saver for me and my handicapped son, to keep him calm he needs to walk.

We use the path from Sawyers Hall Lane to Shenfield and beyond. I am keen to petition for this park.

Full text:

Sorry to bother you but I have just read in the "Made in Essex" paper, the Country Park plan.

Usually a silent tax payer I must have a say on this matter; where do I sign? We cannot afford to lose this delightful park, so near, not dangerous like walking to Weald, not crowded like Thorndon. Parks have been a life saver for me and my handicapped son, to keep him calm he needs to walk, reduces anxiety for us both, safe freedom for us both.

We use the path from Sawyers Hall Lane to Shenfield and beyond, this one has a relatively dry path for bad weather, fields to dream in for the summer, I am keen to petition for this park.

I did try to view the local development plan at but got lost.

If there is to be a petition, please guide me to it.
