
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6689

Received: 19/01/2015

Respondent: Miss Vivien Russell

Representation Summary:

I object based on the following:
* The site is opposite All Saints Village Church. Any proposed development would have a significant impact on the Green Belt, transport and environmental quality including landscape, wildlife, air and water pollution.
* Access is along a narrow, winding country lane; in places only one vehicle can pass.
* There are no available school places at local primary or secondary schools.
* The nearest doctor in Shenfield is oversubscribed.
* The waste water drainage is at capacity.

Full text:

See attached letters of objection relating to the following sites:

Site Ref: 028A/B/C - Land East of Running Waters
Site Ref: 033 - Land to the South of Lodge Close, East of Hutton
Site Ref: 129 and 130 - Friars Avenue and Hunters Avenue Car Parks
Site Ref: 177 - Wash Road (South of Lower Road)
Site Ref: 219 - Land to East of Hutton Village
Site Ref: 211 - Land & Buildings West of Church Lane, Hutton
Site Ref: 220 - Collins Farm, Goodwood Avenue, Hutton
