
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6682

Received: 19/01/2015

Respondent: Miss Vivien Russell

Representation Summary:

The "preferred options" states that "all development sites will be identified having regard to whether they are accessible to public transport, services and facilities" and that "will have no significant impact on the Green Belt, visual amenity, heritage, transport, services and facilities"
I object to this site based on the following:
* The site is grazing land, construction of 52 dwellings would have a significant impact on the Green Belt, transport and environmental quality (including landscape, wildlife, air and water pollution)
* Access to the site will either be through the Hutton Drive Estate or a narrow country lane; in places this only allows one car through at a time.
* There are no available school places at local primary or secondary schools.
* The nearest doctor in Shenfield is oversubscribed.
* The waste water drainage is at capacity, with the manhole cover in Hutton Country Park sometimes lifting off. Despite complaints to the Council/Water companies for nearly ten years this has not been rectified.

Full text:

See attached letters of objection relating to the following sites:

Site Ref: 028A/B/C - Land East of Running Waters
Site Ref: 033 - Land to the South of Lodge Close, East of Hutton
Site Ref: 129 and 130 - Friars Avenue and Hunters Avenue Car Parks
Site Ref: 177 - Wash Road (South of Lower Road)
Site Ref: 219 - Land to East of Hutton Village
Site Ref: 211 - Land & Buildings West of Church Lane, Hutton
Site Ref: 220 - Collins Farm, Goodwood Avenue, Hutton
