
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6448

Received: 15/02/2015

Respondent: Cllr Roger Hirst

Representation Summary:

028A/B/C, 026, 030, 031, 192, 033, 211, 219 220 and adjacent sites are inappropriate re-designation of the green belt, represent substantial urban creep and would change the character of the current settlements to the detriment of existing residents.

Full text:

The mass of green belt land put forward to the East of Hutton, Ingrave and Herongate is entirely inappropriate for development. The scale of development would entirely change the semi-rural character of Shenfield and Hutton, and ruin the character of the historic rural villages of Herongate and Ingrave. A development of this nature and scale would necessitate modern transport infrastructure, new high speed access roads to the A12 and A127, and would require the redevelopment of the areas around Brentwood and Shenfield stations to accommodate the increased traffic and need for access. In contrast the "Several sites on edge of Brentwood Urban Area" (in fact on the edge of the settlement of Hutton) would represent urban creep which it would be hard for existing infrastructure to be adapted to accommodate.