
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6001

Received: 09/02/2015

Respondent: Ron Lennard

Representation Summary:

I believe consideration of 600 acres at Creasey's farm to be highly inappropriate. The land is important to many forms of wildlife. There is no infrastructure to accommodate a development of thousands of homes and joining the village of Hutton with those at Ingrave & Herongate would ruin those particular village characteristics. Creasey's farm is owned by a German land investment company with a single aim. This must never be allowed to happen.

Full text:

I believe consideration of 600 acres at Creasey's farm to be highly inappropriate. The land is important to many forms of wildlife. There is no infrastructure to accommodate a development of thousands of homes and joining the village of Hutton with those at Ingrave & Herongate would ruin those particular village characteristics. Creasey's farm is owned by a German land investment company with a single aim. This must never be allowed to happen.