
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5789

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Nigel Nottidge

Representation Summary:

* This is a wholly inappropriate use of green belt land
* It is totally inappropriate and excessive to meet the needs of the Borough
* It is thus an unnecessary development because there are other more appropriate options
* There are no very special circumstances to build on this green belt land
* It is totally out of keeping with the local area
* It would destroy countryside and wildlife where I personally have seen Birds of prey, hares, foxes, rabbits, insects - including a count of at least 100 butterflies on a 30 minute walk on a field to the east of Ingrave included in the planned area proposed for development
Overall this huge proposal, if accepted would be a disaster for Brentwood. The borough provides a buffer to London, providing a green haven for wildlife, the population to enjoy and improve the living conditions on the edge of a huge and expanding city of London. This could be the first phase of a massive expansion and a joining up of the borough with Billericay or Basildon, thus loosing the character of the Borough for ever.
Together these 2 main parcels of land are a huge swathe of green belt land which would would double the size of Shenfield and Hutton in one go and probably increase the greater "Brentwood borough by 50%"

Full text:

I am writing to express my views with respect to the consultation on the Strategic Growth Options.
First I must mention that I only became aware of this plan when my local Parish Council in Herongate and Ingrave sent round their Newsletter on 15 February 2015. This newsletter stated I should already have received a letter from the council setting out the options. I have not, nor have all my local neighbours ~I have spoken to. This smacks of extremely poor consultation on such a massive issue and I believe could or should null any findings made by the council if they are based on proper consultation, which clearly this is not.

I also understand that the chance to respond finishes on 17 February so I will reply now and set out my views. I have failed to download the relevant documents from the Brentwood Local Plan website on several occasions and believe your website and documents are not easily accessible and totally insufficient for such an important consultation.

I am most concerned with the proposed land 028C and 192 to the West of Brentwood and Herongate and Ingrave, also to "several sites on the edge of Brentwood Urban Area within Green Belt. This is land to the East of the A128 In Ingrave and South of Running Waters off Hutton. Together these 2 main parcels of land are a huge swathe of green belt land which would would double the size of Shenfield and Hutton in one go and probably increase the greater "Brentwood borough by 50%" .

My objections are
* This is a wholly inappropriate use of green belt land
* It is totally inappropriate and excessive to meet the needs of the Borough
* It is thus an unnecessary development because there are other more appropriate options
* There are no very special circumstances to build on this green belt land
* It is totally out of keeping with the local area
* It would destroy countryside and wildlife where I personally have seen Birds of prey, hares, foxes, rabbits, insects - including a count of at least 100 butterflies on a 30 minute walk on a field to the east of Ingrave included in the planned area proposed for development
Overall this huge proposal, if accepted would be a disaster for Brentwood. The borough provides a buffer to London, providing a green haven for wildlife, the population to enjoy and improve the living conditions on the edge of a huge and expanding city of London. This could be the first phase of a massive expansion and a joining up of the borough with Billericay or Basildon, thus loosing the character of the Borough for ever.