
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5328

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Pamella and David Tudor Williams

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

I am responding to the above in relation to the land under reference 028c being described as land east of Running Waters, otherwise known as Creaseys Farm. This land is adjacent to the conservation area of Hutton Village and All Saints Church and development here would be highly detrimental to the benefits of the area. Also the local roads would be unable to cope. That part of the land nearer to the A128 would be less damaging but even then the increase of traffic on that road would be intolerable and dangerous. The A127 to Southend is already very busy but could be widened so that any development would be best if it were accessible to that road.

Full text:

I am responding to the above in relation to the land under reference 028c being described as land east of Running Waters, otherwise known as Creaseys Farm. This land is adjacent to the conservation area of Hutton Village and All Saints Church and development here would be highly detrimental to the benefits of the area. Also the local roads would be unable to cope. That part of the land nearer to the A128 would be less damaging but even then the increase of traffic on that road would be intolerable and dangerous. The A127 to Southend is already very busy but could be widened so that any development would be best if it were accessible to that road.