
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 4733

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Stephen Goulding

Representation Summary:

028c adjacent to Havering's Grove. The area is predominantly farmland but with a major stock of woodlands, hedgerows and wild life, it is quintessential greenbelt forming an open land border between two major towns and a number of villages in South Essex, destruction of this land would be nothing less than a disaster. In addition the historic plotlands of Havering's Grove which is protected under its own planning covenants would be blighted by building new houses adjacent undermining all past efforts to preserve its nature.

Full text:

028c adjacent to Havering's Grove. The area is predominantly farmland but with a major stock of woodlands, hedgerows and wild life, it is quintessential greenbelt forming an open land border between two major towns and a number of villages in South Essex, destruction of this land would be nothing less than a disaster. In addition the historic plotlands of Havering's Grove which is protected under its own planning covenants would be blighted by building new houses adjacent undermining all past efforts to preserve its nature.