
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 3576

Received: 03/02/2015

Respondent: Miss Vivien Russell

Representation Summary:

Based on:
1. Proposed development is on Green Belt
2. Access from A129 on bend could constitute a highway hazard.
3. No available school places (primary or secondary), so ironic that homes are proposed on school site.
4. Doctors surgeries are over-subscribed
5. Waste water drainage is at capacity. Additional housing will place more strain on this.
6. Pedestrian access is inadequate and often underwater in wet weather.
7. Bordered by flood plain.

Full text:

Re: Brentwood Local Draft Plan - Objection
Site Ref: 008A/B/C - Woodland School, Rayleigh Road, Hutton

Please accept this letter as my strong opposition to the above proposed development(s) at Woodland School, Rayleigh Road, Hutton as outlined in the Strategic Growth Options Consultation.

The "Preferred Options" states that "all development sites will be identified having regard to whether they are accessible to public transport, services and facilities and that "will have no significant impact on the Green Belt, visual amenity, heritage, transport, services and facilities"

This proposed development fails on all of the above criteria, and my objection is based on the following:

1. The proposed development(s) is/are on Green Belt Land.

2. Access to and from this site is directly on to the A129 on a bend in the road which could constitute a highway hazard. This is a particularly busy road between Billericay and Hutton.

3. There are no available school places at either the Infant/Junior Schools or the local Secondary Schools. It seems ironic that it is proposed that a school is lost on this site so that additional homes can be built.

4. The nearest Doctor's surgeries are in Shenfield and are over-subscribed.

5. The waste water drainage is at capacity and often leads to a manhole cover in Hutton Country Park lifting off spewing toilet paper and faeces over one corner of the field. Despite complaints to the Council/Water Companies for nearly ten years this has not been rectified. Any additional housing in this area will place more strain on the drainage facilities in this area.

6. Pedestrian access between Hutton and Billericay is along a narrow strip of tarmac which is often underwater from adjacent farmland and the A129 in wet weather.

7. The site is bordered by a flood plain

Over the last few years Hutton has seen 55 (at least) new homes built on Willowbrook School Playing Fields and there is a proposal in the plan for a further 101 dwellings on the Essex Fire Brigade HQ in Rayleigh Road (Site Ref: 005). As well as numerous other sites earmarked for this area.

Hutton - which was a village when I first moved here 60 years ago, has seen major developments such as the:-

1. GLC Estate
2. Hutton Drive Estate
3. Long Ridings Estate
4. Tomlyns Estate
5. Edwards Close Estate
6. Hutton Poplars Estate (adjacent to the Adult Education Centre).

We have also seen other infill sites and of course expansion of the Hutton Industrial Estate - and yet the A129 remains exactly the same as it was all those years ago and has to cope with greatly increased traffic flows.

Hutton today has only a few hundred fewer residents than Brentwood itself. Our Parish Hall has been declared "surplus to requirements" and is now up for sale.

To develop the land which is occupied by Woodland School would go against the Council's vision for Brentwood and your Policy Statement SO7 to "Safeguard the Green Belt and protect and enhance variable landscapes and the natural and historic environment"..