
Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)

Representation ID: 26578

Received: 10/11/2019

Respondent: Mr Anthony Cross

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The village of Blackmore is already going to be adversely impacted by nearby residential developments on Kings Street, Norton Heath Equestrian Centre, Ashland's Farm and potentially on Red Rose Farm amongst others. The impact of none of these sites is considered in the Local Plan. Accordingly, Blackmore is already contributing to the provision of new housing stock. It would be inappropriate to add to this by including sites R25 and R26 in the Local Plan; both should therefore be removed in full.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove site R25 from the Local Plan in full.

Full text:

The continued inappropriate inclusion of site R25 in the Local Plan, fails to acknowledge other nearby residential developments which will adversely impact the village of Blackmore but are not included in the Local Plan. Epping Forest District Council have already granted permission to develop 30 houses on the site of the Norton Heath Equestrian Centre and a further 9 dwellings have recently been proposed + the granting of permission to build 8 more at Ashland's Farm in Hook End + those they have approved and are being built on Kings Street. An application has also been made from private developers to build houses at Red Rose Farm, though being a brownfield site, this is more appropriate than the Woollard Way or Orchard Piece greenfield sites. Ultimately, the village of Blackmore is already going to have to absorb the impact of a significant increase in nearby residential dwellings, beyond that which it is able to cope with. Accordingly, sites R25 and R26 must be removed, in full, from the Local Plan.