Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 26 November 2019

1. Introduction

Focussed Changes Consultation

  1. Brentwood Borough Council has taken the opportunity to put forward focussed changes to the Brentwood Pre-Submission Local Plan (Pre-Submission Draft, Regulation 19, February 2019). The amendments do not alter the Plan's spatial strategy but seek to respond to concerns in specific areas of the Borough by redistributing housing growth.
  2. The focussed changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan are:
    1. Policy R01 (I) (Dunton Hills Garden Village Strategic Allocation): Increase from "at least 2,700" to "at least 2,770 homes in the plan period".
    2. Policy R18 (Land off Crescent Drive, Shenfield): Reduction from "around 55" to "around 35 homes";
    3. Policy R19 (Land at Priests Lane, Shenfield): Reduction from "around 75" to "around 45 homes";
    4. Policy R25 (Land north of Woollard Way, Blackmore): Reduction from "around 40" to around "30 homes";
    5. Policy R26 (Land north of Orchard Piece, Blackmore): Reduction from "around 30" to "around 20 homes"; and
  3. Policies R18 and R19 are for site allocations in Shenfield. A considerable number of representations were received in response to the Pre-Submission Local Plan. A summary of the key concerns raised include inconsistency with the character of the local area in regard to density; implications of increased traffic and associated safety; highway access; development on urban open space; environmental and habitat impacts; and flooding.
  4. Policies R25 and R26 are for site allocations in Blackmore. A considerable number of representations were received in response to the Pre-Submission Local Plan. A summary of the key concerns raised include inconsistency with the character of the local area in regard to density; impact on local services and infrastructure; disagreement with the settlement hierarchy; development in Green Belt; highway access; environmental and habitat impact; and flooding.
  5. Policy R01 (I) is one of several policies regarding the delivery of Dunton Hills Garden Village. The policy sets out that the overall indicative site capacity is around 4,000 homes to be delivered beyond the plan period (2033), and at least 2,700 of these homes are to be delivered by the end of the plan period. The amendments propose that the minimum number of new homes is increased by 70 homes, off-setting the loss of homes proposed in Shenfield and Blackmore. This would increase the minimum number of homes at Dunton Hills Garden Village to 2,770 homes delivered by 2033. This does not increase the overall number of homes on site as it is within the overall capacity of 4,000 homes. However, it does require a faster rate of delivery if the increased minimum number of homes is to be achieved.
  6. The focussed changes have new text underlined and deleted text with a strikethrough. The Pre-Submission Local Plan policies affected by these changes are set out in this document and available for comment. The full list of changes proposed as a result of the above redistribution of housing growth are set out in Appendix 1.
  7. This addendum should be read alongside the Pre-Submission Local Plan that was subject to consultation from 5 February to 19 March 2019. Representations are published on the Council's website via the Consultation Portal at

    How to Comment

  8. The Council welcomes representations on these focussed changes. The Council will not accept representations on the Pre-Submission Local Plan that are not related to the focussed changes or that repeat a representation already submitted by that person. If you have made representations to the Pre-Submission Local Plan these remain relevant and will be submitted as part of the Local Plan Examination in Public.
  9. More information on how to comment can be found on the Council's website at

    Sustainability Appraisal

  10. (44)A sustainability appraisal of the focussed changes has been prepared. The Habitats Regulations Assessment has also been reviewed and republished. You can comment on these documents, which are available to view on the Council's website at

2. Focussed Changes

Focussed Change 1

(546) Policy R01 (I): Dunton Hills Garden Village Strategic Allocation (page 252)

Amend section B as follows:

B. The development will deliver a mix of uses to comprise around 2,700 2,770 homes in the plan period (as part of an overall indicative capacity of around 4,000 homes to be delivered beyond 2033) together with the necessary community, employment, utility, transport and green and blue infrastructure (GBI) to support a self-sustaining, thriving and healthy garden village.

Amend section D part a) as follows:

D. a) delivery of at least 2,700 2,770 dwellings in the plan period providing a balanced variety of housing typologies and tenure and includes provision of self -build plots in line with Policy HP01; specialist accommodation in line with Policy HP04; and affordable housing in line with Policy HP05.

Focussed Change 2

(527) Policy R18: Land off Crescent Drive, Shenfield (page 290)

Amend Section A. Amount and Type of Development, part a) as follows:

A. a) provision for around 55 35 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing.

Focussed Change 3

(544) Policy R19: Land at Priests Lane, Shenfield (page 292)

Amend Section A. Amount and Type of Development, part a) as follows:

A. a) provision for around 75 45 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing.

Focussed Change 4

(582) Policy R25: Land North of Woollard Way, Blackmore (page 299)

Amend Section A. Amount and Type of Development, part a) as follows:

A. a) Provision for around 40 30 new homes of mixed size and type.

Focussed Change 5

(582) Policy R26: Land North of Orchard Piece, Blackmore (page 300)

Amend Section A. Amount and Type of Development, part a) as follows:

A. a) provision for around 30 20 new homes of mixed size and type.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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