
Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Representation ID: 22172

Received: 12/03/2018

Respondent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 72 makes reference to the potential for larger site options to integrate new C2 facilities, including at (d) Honey Pot Land / Priests Lane (small to medium 40 bed scheme). While this is a worthy aspiration, it should be acknowledged that the providers of such uses will have their own specific locational requirements which will determine whether such land is appropriate or attractive to that sector.

Full text:

Support is given to Strategic Objective 1 (SO1) which seeks to maximise sustainable growth opportunities within the built-up areas and on brownfield sites. The Borough's built up areas are tightly constrained by Green Belt and all opportunities to meet housing and employment need within built up areas, and where possible, on brownfield land, should be considered and exploited before consideration is given to the release of green belt for new development. A key element of Sustainable Development is environmental role which contributes to protecting and enhancing our built, natural and historic environment through, inter alia, the use of natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy. The focus of SO2 in directing growth to the Boroughs transport corridors and urban areas in locations well served by existing and proposed local services and facilities is essential in achieving the environmental role of sustainable development, and is supported. This is also linked to the Transport & Movement Strategic Objectives SO21 and SO22 which seek to ensure development sites are well connected to the public transport network and are linked to the walking and cycling facilities across the Borough. Sites which are well located within identified urban areas and transport corridors, well served by public transport and accessible by foot or bike to services, facilities and employment opportunities should continue to be the primary focus in identifying sites for development. Support is given to SO19 which seeks to secure the delivery of essential infrastructure to support new development, in particular education and community facilities which cannot compete in value terms when seeking to secure land to create of expand provision.
Paragraph 72 makes reference to the potential for larger site options to integrate new C2 facilities, including at (d) Honey Pot Land / Priests Lane (small to medium 40 bed scheme). While this is a worthy aspiration, it should be acknowledged that the providers of such uses will have their own specific locational requirements which will determine whether such land is appropriate or attractive to that sector.
Support is given to the need to Special Education Needs and in particular the ability to ease the considerable physical capacity constraints of the Endeavour School, and the aspiration to provide a 6th form function. Support will be given by the landowner of Site Ref: 044 to the Council and the Endeavour School to masterplan the proposed housing site at Priest Lane to incorporate land set aside for use by the Endeavour School.