
Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Representation ID: 18882

Received: 28/03/2018

Respondent: Mrs Edna Williams

Representation Summary:

Nothing has changed since these sites were rejected in the last assessment.
Adding up to 100 houses to the village is completely unacceptable. School could not support another 250 (?) people and associated traffic.

Full text:

Sites 076 and 077 in Blackmore.
Nothing has changed since these sites were rejected in the last assessment.
Adding up to 100 houses to the village is completely unacceptable. Totally agree with the points raised in the Parish Council's submission for the LDP. Roads, parking, school, doctors could not support another 250 (?) people and associated traffic.
At the moment there can be several weeks wait for a doctor's appointment plus getting there and back on the hourly bus is a trek. The 'Post Office' is one small counter in an already busy shop.
This development would completely change and ruin the character of this small rural village