
Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Representation ID: 18547

Received: 13/03/2018

Respondent: Ms Charlotte Hall

Representation Summary:

The proposed expansion is completely disproportionate and will completely change the unique character and feel of the village.
Green belt should only be built on when all other sites have been discounted.
Health Centre in the village is at capacity.
Education - The School is already at capacity and will not be able to cope with the additional intake generated by the proposed additional housing.
Travel and infrastructure - The nearest railway station is approximately 5 miles away and the bus service within the village is very infrequent. This village is not suitable for such a large increase in population.

Full text:

I object to these proposals because we have only recently moved to Woollard Way in Blackmore in mid-October 2017.Like most people, we spent a long time choosing our home and considered many things when making the purchase. If these proposals were to go ahead it would completely change our street and village. In addition to this, the prospect of living next a building site for however long it takes to build this new plot of houses feels me with dread. We moved to this area for the peace, quiet and tranquillity that Blackmore offers, all of which will be completely ruined during the construction period, not to mention the unwanted changes once the project is complete. We would not have chosen this property if there was a housing estate at the end of our road as opposed to field. You can imagine the distress this is causing us having invested such a large amount of money into a house only for these proposals to surface less than 3 months after we moved in.
It seems that Brentwood Council have been put under pressure by the Government and these are ill considered proposals that have been rushed through with very little thought and consideration to the impact on the residents and community within our Parish. It seems to me that the land owner wants to sell and Brentwood Council are desperately looking for a quick solution to avoid the government taking control of the housing process. The fact that this land is green belt is simply an inconvenience that the Council will attempt to overlook in order to satisfy the demands laid out by the government in November of last year.
In addition to my personal objections and circumstances I would also like to echo the objections made by the Parish, a summary of which is below.
Disproportionate increase - The proposed expansion is completely disproportionate and extremely unfair to the residents of Blackmore. Building such a large number of houses that increases the village by over 25% will completely change the unique character and feel of the village that we know and love.
Building on Green Belt Land - Green belt was introduced to prevent urban sprawl and maintain the character of community and villages. Green belt should only be built on when all other sites have been discounted. You mention that you have alternative sites already in the pipeline, I assume then that these must all be green belt sites as well.
Health Centre - It is very difficult to get an appointment at the health centre already. This will become almost impossible if we increase the numbers within the parish as you propose.
Education - The School is already at capacity and will not be able to cope with the additional intake generated by the proposed additional housing. I'm also struggling to understand how 96 new houses would only increase the pupil numbers by 26 children.
Travel and infrastructure - The nearest railway station is approximately 5 miles away and the bus service within the village is very infrequent. This village is not suitable for such a large increase in population.
I will contest these proposals at every stage possible in the hope that the council will see sense and reconsider the Draft Local Plan