
Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Representation ID: 18524

Received: 26/02/2018

Respondent: Mrs Christina Atkins

Representation Summary:

Roads are currently very busy during peak times making it dangerous of people to walk to the local shops. The infrastructure and services cannot cope (schools, GP surgeries, roads, sewage, water supply). Flood has historically been an issue in the village and this will only get worse with the development of my houses. The development of new homes will change the character of the village. The landscape of Blackmore Village should be preserved at all costs because without it, it will cease to be a Village and become an urban sprawl.

Full text:

My family and I attended the Consultation at Tipps Cross Village Hall on the 19/2/18. We looked at all the proposed Plans for our area and were very disappointed with the outcome of this meeting in that there was no Question and Answer service available. With regard to the proposed Development for Blackmore Village, I have to say, we are utterly disgusted that BBC are even thinking of spoiling Blackmore Village, a 'unique village' by considering greedy developers plans to allow the building of up to 98 houses which would completely ruin the village and decimate it and I will explain why!!! When we moved to the village forty years ago we chose to live here because of the countryside, green fields and a tranquil way of life! During the last ten years many changes have taken place in our village spoiling our way of life. Bungalows were knocked down and huge detached houses built, gardens started disappearing as people built bigger extensions to their property. More and more people living in the village now are overlooked by large houses being built taking many open views away. For over twenty five years a bungalow backed on to my garden but this was re-built when sold into a large house and now my view from my window is 'Colditz '!!! Our roads through the village have never been so busy, in the mornings its a rat run from Mountnessing to the 414 with people speeding, making it quite dangerous for people wishing to walk to their local shop. In fact, its quite frightening walking to the centre of the village with the traffic coming through as it does. So anymore local traffic in the village would be a disaster. People now find parking difficult in the village because of the volume of traffic using the village to use our amenities and school etc. We have a problem in Meadow Rise where parents dropping off children at Blackmore School will not use the Village Hall Car Park and insist on using our access road to our properties as a car park. Because they park in our road and our road is not very wide, large vehicles cannot get passed them and so they drive on to our grass verges and damage our kerb stones etc. It is also wear and tear on our road and drop kerbs where they turn around. This is going on twice a day and the only peace we have where life gets back to normal is in school holidays so the thought of anymore cars coming to this village would be disasterous for everyone who lives here. Anymore people into Blackmore Village would deeply affect our present Health Care System as the Health Care Centre would not be able to cope with additional people. We have trouble getting appointments when we want them now, to increase their workload further would mean a longer wait for appointments to see a Doctor. Blackmore Primary School is not a large school and is full now so there would be no places for the children of a huge development. My son moved into the village in the early part of last year and his two children have to go to Doddinghurst School because he could not get them into Blackmore Primary School. This is an inconvenience to them as they have to drive the children to school every day and then drive to pick them up. It would have been far nicer for my grandchildren to have walked to Blackmore Primary School from their home. Blackmore Village is prone to flooding in many places because of the way the water table runs. More housing in the village would make this worse as there would be more concrete and the water from the fields etc. would cause more flooding as it would have no where to go. When we moved into our house we had to put clay pipes down one side of the garden because of the water not running away quick enough from the lawn so in my opinion, this is a major concern to the village. I remember many years ago when boats were used in Church Street to rescue some elderly people who could not get out of their homes. The water came up passed exhaust pipes on cars and lingered for days. In my opinion, and this is the opinion of many, Brentwood Borough Council should be proud that they have such a Unique Village on their doorstep and the last thing you should be allowing is for some persons to come in, build 'Lego Land' and spoil something so beautiful and then leave. Blackmore Village has History and many outsiders come into the village to enjoy the pond, ducks, see the cows grazing in the fields, visit the local Pubs, Tea Shop and Antique Shop. It also creates employment for local people. The residents enjoy their village by having village fairs, walks around the village lanes, cycling and the professional cyclists enjoy our village too and this is how this village should remain forever. The villagers hope you have our best interests at heart because you as a Borough Council receive very High Council Tax from its residents and we want our Village preserved from Developers who are just wanting to make millions of pounds as they care very little if they spoil a place. The landscape of Blackmore Village should be preserved at all costs because without it, it will cease to be a Village and become an urban sprawl!!!! We say NO to any development whatsoever!!!!