
Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Representation ID: 18512

Received: 13/03/2018

Respondent: Mr Geoffrey Town

Representation Summary:

As far as Blackmore is concerned the infrastructure is already overload particularly traffic wise not just local but from adjacent areas. As far the extra houses are concerned the plan only states numbers not what is important is types i.e. are they 2,4,5, bedroomed and how many storeys?
There are too few affordable properties now and all the new build locally has been unaffordable. This is of personal interest to me as we have a large property and we have been looking for a smaller property we could afford but as time goes on it gets increasingly less possible.

Full text:

My general comment is that I object to the lack of both time and constructive consultation given for such an important proposal; to the extent I get the impression it is a deliberant attempt to result in negative result. How one can be expected to form an intelligent opinion on a 100-page document and supporting documents, the informing letter received Feb. 2 and comments to be submitted by 12 March I consider quite unreasonable.
At the Council`s drop-in on 19 Feb. I and many others hoped to receive specific answers to questions relating to Blackmore but due to large number of people attending and few officers in attendance, and the latter either not able or apparently or unwilling to answer specific questions it was a waste of time.
Summing up it the Local Plan `drop in` was a political exercise to enable a tick to be placed in the Consultation carried out box.

I object to the whole plan as it is quite clear as the whole of the area is already over populated.
Specifically, as far as Blackmore is concerned the infrastructure is already overload particularly traffic wise not just local but from adjacent areas. As far the extra houses are concerned the plan only states numbers not what is important is types i.e. are they 2,4,5, bedroomed and how many storeys?
There are too few affordable properties now and the number reducing as properties have been and are being extended with planning permission, also all the new build locally has been unaffordable; who permitted these; the planning department.
This is of personal interest to me as we have a large four-bedroom property and since we retired we have been looking for a smaller property we could afford but as time goes on it gets increasingly less possible. We know of several others in the parish in this predicament or nearing it.

I also support the Parish Council`s objections so I will not bore you repeating or paraphrasing them.