
Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Representation ID: 18497

Received: 28/02/2018

Respondent: Dr. S.J. Jennings

Representation Summary:

Area is prone to surface water flooding and the loss of green space for new homes will only increase the risk of flood in the area.

Full text:

Re Areas 076 and 077 Flood risks in Blackmore. Having lived in Blackmore since 1974 and having suffered severe flooding of my house in August 1987, I probably know more about the surface water drainage of this area than most. Blackmore lies in a bowl at the head of a gentle valley with land rising to the east, north and west. Surface water drains from these areas around, under or through the village towards the south - the lower outlet of The Moat becoming the source of the River Wid. In August 1987 houses were flooded around The Green, along the south side of Blackmore Road and, worst of all, the southern half of Church Street - up to 3 feet deep including St Laurence Church and Jericho Priory. We have had a number of near misses since - notably June 2016 when my house was inches from being flooded . On that occasion around The Green some properties were flooded due to the Sewage and Surface Water Pump on the Ingatestone Road failing so that water backed up. So far as I can see surface water run off from development 076 adjacent to Orchard piece will drain to The Green / Pond area of the village. Surface water run off from 077 adjacent to Woollard Way will drain partly towards The Pond, but probably partly to the St Laurence Church area through underground pipes which empty into the stream near Red Brick Cottages, Blacksmiths Alley. We are endlessly told that Climate Change will result in more extremes of weather so further increased risk of flooding in Blackmore is likely. Another relevant factor is that Epping Forest District Council is allowing a housing estate near the A414 on the site of the former Norton Heath Riding Centre - surface water from that area drains to The Green / Pond area of Blackmore.