
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1755

Received: 29/09/2013

Respondent: Mrs Susan Dunn

Representation Summary:

- Concerns over infrastructure (roads, services, transport, schools)
- Concern over increase in population and lack of guidance on housing mix.
- Flood risk.
- Concern over possible increase in car numbers from proposed development.
- The A127 London bound is already at capacity.
- The Doctors in the village is under pressure as it is, it will never be able to cope with additional 1500 or even 250. Same goes for the playschool, primary school.
- Loss of village character.
- Relocation of industrial estate will make it difficult for employees to get to the new site.

Full text:

- What infrastructure is in place with regards to roads, services, transport, schools etc. before the build begins
- Within the 1500 homes how many will be 1,2,3 bedrooms.? Depending on this answer how do you intend to accommodate these people?
- How do you plan to stop the village from flooding, by removing the green belt which helps with drainage, what are you going to put in place?
- With 1500 homes will bring minimum of 1500 cars possible leading to over 3000, the A127 London bound of a morning is always nose to tail and in the evening Southend bound what do you plan to do about this?
- The Doctors in the village is under pressure as it is, it will never be able to cope with additional 1500 or 250. Same goes for the playschool, primary school, and how do plan to coach the secondary school children into Brentwood?
- West Horndon is a village and this is why we moved here, once you bring in this amount of properties we will then become a town and we don't won't this
- There is a lot of people that work on the industrial estate that rely on the trains to get to work, how do you plan to get these people from the station to the M25?