
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1741

Received: 30/09/2013

Respondent: Mr Anthony Herbert

Representation Summary:

Objects because:

- West Horndon has a "small village" feel and the proposals will simply destroy that atmosphere.
- Flood Risk - West Horndon has suffered from flooding in 1958, 1981 and as recently as 2012. The proposed development on land extending to some 25 hectares has been proposed without and assessment of drainage in the area.
- This will destroy the local green belt.
-Concern over increased traffic, overlooked back gardens, loss of rural character.

Full text:

I am writing to register my objection to the proposed development of West Horndon.

Myself and my family have lived in West Horndon for over 15 years and move to the village specifically because of it quiet, idyllic and peaceful location. West Horndon has a "small village" feel and the proposals will simply destroy that atmosphere and result in yet another dysfunctional town being created.

Having reviewed the proposals, I believe that you have not taken due care and consideration before reaching this stage of the process. Specifically:

- Complete lack of proper assessment: National guidelines states that Local Planning Authorities should assess the quality and capacity of the infrastructure, water supply, wastewater, energy, telecommunications, utilities, waste management, social waste, education and flood risk. This has clearly not been carried out by the Local Authority.

- Flood Risk - West Horndon has suffered from flodding in 1958, 1981 and as recently as 2012. The proposed development on land extending to some 25 hectares has been proposed without and assessment of drainage in the area - in fact the Environment Agency's own web site shows West Horndon as being at risk of flood, so I am flabbergasted that you have not carried out a formal review in relation to this matter.

- Involvement of the Local Community - Myself and my family feel completely excluded from the consulation process to date. The National Planning Policy Framework makes it clear that local authorities should involve all sections of the community; this has clearly been a top-down process only, where the needs and input of the local community have been completely ignored.

- Green Belt - We have, over the past decade, witnessed many areas of natural beauty and green belt being destroyed in the UK. This appears to be yet another step to destroy local green belt, as the larger part of the proposed development is within a defined green belt area.

- Local Infrastructure Assessment - It is clear that there has been a complete lack of assessment of the impact the proposed development would have on local infrastructure. The local community will clearly bear the brunt of the harmful impacts of the development by way of increased traffic, overlooked back gardens, loss of rural character, without any discernible benefits.

In summary, I do not believe the local authority has given due care and attention to this proposal before publishing its findings. I would strongly recommend that you, in consultation with local community, carry out a study of West Horndon, focusing on its infrastructure, service amenities and public transport needs, before taking the matter any further.

Finally, I will be taking these matters up with out local Member of Parliament and seeking independent legal advice on the process you have adopted to date. I believe you have looked to fast-track your decision and have not followed the agreed national process and guidelines, something I am extremely disappointed with.