
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1731

Received: 30/09/2013

Respondent: Miss Danielle Kent

Representation Summary:

Having researched other villages where the same has been done, it seems that the council in each case were quick to put up the houses but epically failed with regard to local services needed to accommodate the extra homes, i.e. Doctors, Schools, extra train services to London.

If we have no choice whatsoever then I would like to say that given the choice of sites for these new homes, I would as a compromise support a few at the Industrial Estate site as it is unsightly and would stop the lorries going through the village

Full text:

I bought a property in the village 11 months ago, had I known that you were intending on turning a village in to a town I would have moved else where.

I am deeply upset and saddened with the proposal as a whole with regard to new homes, and a traveller site. I've never lived in a village before and its wonderful. I was looking forward to starting a family here, however he thought of all the new homes is quite distressing, its not what we envisioned!!

Having researched other villages where the same has been done, it seems that the council were quick to put up the houses but epically failed with regard to local services needed to accommodate the extra homes, ie, doctors, schools, extra train services to London.

Having said all of that if we really have no choice whatsoever then I would like to say that given the choice of sites for these new homes, I would as a compromise support a few over the industrial site as it is unsightly and would stop the lorrys going through the village. I would not however support any kind of building on the fields entering the village at the Station Road end which is absolutely beautiful!!
