
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1715

Received: 02/10/2013

Respondent: Mr Christopher Hart

Representation Summary:

I have put together several principles that, if followed, would mitigate or remove the bulk of the concerns raised above, and therefore should be included in a new Revised Plan following the consolidation period :
1. The density of new development should be the same as the existing density of West Horndon (17 dwellings / hectare), to ensure the character of the village is not changed.
2. The proportion of affordable, and social, housing of any new development should be the same as the current proportions in West Horndon,
3. There should be no development on Green Belt land given (i) the flooding susceptibility across the Green Belt development site and (ii) it is very likely there are sufficient sources of non-Green Belt land elsewhere in the Borough (existing brownfield sites
4. Traveller sites are not to be built in West Horndon given the susceptibility to flooding;
5. West Horndon Parish Council, through a self appointed Housing Committee should be responsible for delivering of any development in West Horndon, as per the Garden City principles.
6. Community Infrastructure Levy and New Homes Bonus money should be given directly to the West Horndon PC, pro-rata as a percentage of West Horndon's totalling housing development of the total build across the Borough.
7. Controls should be included to ensure development doesn't continue if homes are not being sold i.e. perhaps construction of the next 25 houses can only begin once 90% of the previous 25 houses have been sold.
8. Removal of all references of potential further development in West Horndon, as it is unacceptable and unnecessary to use a single area to fill any potential shortfalls.
9. Understand it would be feasible for fibre optic broadband to be rolled out to West Horndon post development, given its necessity for driving economic growth.
10. Produce a cost-benefit analysis of all the options to ensure the tax payer is getting value for money, and a demand analysis to ensure there is demand for the level of housing in the areas you are recommending.
12. Consider alternative sites :
- Shenfield will have a material increase in train capacity and open up new areas to travel for employment when Cross Rail is delivered.

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