
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1625

Received: 25/09/2013

Respondent: Mr David Lister

Representation Summary:

- West Horndon accounts for less than 5% of the borough`s area, but yet we are to get 43% of the development.

- Development on Brownfield sites is more appropriate.

- Green belt should not be allowed to be developed on.

- Not enough consideration has been given to reducing flood risk development.

- How can we be sure that housing density will not increase and promised amenities will not be honoured ?

- As far as traveller sites go, how can we comment on such a vague proposal when no locations are mentioned?

Full text:

As a concerned resident of West Horndon, I attended both the public meeting attended by one of your planning staff and the road show in the village hall. I have the following concerns:

1. Looking at the map of the borough that was on display at the road show I could see that West Horndon accounted for less than 5% of the borough`s area, yet we are to get 43% of the development. This is patently unfair and would turn our village into a town!

If the proposed development went ahead then there are approximately 12 other villages in the Brentwood area to share the burden, which would equate at around 330 properties per village/town.

2 As a village, we have been prepared to accept the development of the brownfield sites , which would allow around 500 properties almost doubling the size of the village, surely this is a reasonable quantity!

3. Should green belt be allowed to be developed on, then who profits from turning cheap arable land
into prime building land? Is it the farmer or the developer or both? If so, should the village not be the beneficiary as well

4 From the plans I have seen.I don`t think enough consideration has ben given reducing the flood risk if green belt id developed.

5 Developers have a habit of changing their plans once planning permission has been granted.
How can we be sure that housing density will not increase and promised amenities will not be honoured ?

6. The impression given to me by your planning personnel is that of a fait accompli as far as West Horndons development is concerned. If this is the case then why have a consultation road show.

I think you will find that there are very few residents that approve of the scale of your proposed development and that you should consider a more equitable approach and spread things out more.

Finally, as far as traveller sites go, how can we comment on such a vague proposal when no locations are mentioned?