
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1617

Received: 24/09/2013

Respondent: Mr Alan Slawson

Representation Summary:

I object to the Local Development Plan for West Horndon. To increase the size of the village by three times it's existing size would destroy the village life.

The current consultation appears to be amateurish and fraught with anomalies and contradictions.

Infrastructure and utilities are at their limits with poor drainage and overhead electrical supply to name two. The proposal to build on a Flood risk area is grossly negligent.

The impact on the already inadequate road system of 1500 dwellings shows a lack of foresight and to call it a strategy without considering the fundamental issues is clearly woeful.

Full text:

Dear Planning Policy Team,

I am writing to object to the Local Development Plan for West Horndon, in the most strongest terms. Residents who live here do so for the rural village environment and because of it's closeness to the country side. To increase the size of the village by three times it's existing size would make it a small town and destroy village life and its integrity. To impose this on villagers without concern for their rights is grossly irresponsible.

The current consultation appears to be somewhat amateurish and fraught with anomalies and contradictions. and no definitive proposals have been put forward other than 'development' which makes it very difficult to put forward informed comment on the consultation.

In particular, the general infrastructure and utilities are at their limits with poor drainage and overhead electrical supply to name two. The proposal to build on a Flood risk area (site 037) is grossly negligent and will affect the water table for the surrounding area and increase the flood risk. Site 037 is Green Belt and arable land that is constantly in production which is vital for sustaining food supply for the UK. The area is also teeming with wildlife some of which is on the 'amber list' for endangered species. Consultations with the RSPB indicate that a colony of great crested newts which have been in the area for more than 15 years, skylark, which nest on the site and water vole which have been sighted on the periphery of the land would be compromised by development. Varied birdlife in particular is quite prolific.

Additionally, the impact on the already inadequate road system of 1500 more residents shows a clear lack of foresight and to call it a strategy without considering the fundamental issues is clearly woeful. The fact that there is a train station is also a poor reason for development as no study has been made of the limited capacity of the train system. It would appear that the LDP has been hastily put together to meet certain deadlines and without informed thought, substance or proper consideration.

The plan goes against several of the NPPF guidelines and also central Government Policy. On all levels it lacks sense or robustness.