
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1608

Received: 14/08/2013

Respondent: Mr Paul Feltham

Representation Summary:

I have seen the plans for 500 homes within West Horndon at the industrial park on brown field sites which I agree is understandable and good progress. 500 new homes in a village of circa 750 homes is more than enough and any more is pain dangerous to the lives and sustainability of the "village".

Full text:

West Horndon planning - save the green belt

I am writing in connection to the local planning development plan in Brentwood and particularly concerning West Horndon.

I live at [house number and street name], West Horndon, [post code] and I am a very concerned resident to hear that part of the plan is to build on Green Belt Land here in West Horndon. While I am all for progress I am hugely against this and urge you to reconsider urgently for the following reasons.

- On a personal note much of the reason we moved to West Horndon was to live within a village environment (not a town) for my family to enjoy West Horndon's landscape. Before moving to West Horndon some 5 years ago we researched whether the farm land at the back of our garden (037) was Green Belt believing this to be safe from any development. Please see picture WH1 attached of our current view from my home which was the No.1 reason for moving here in the first place. Please do not destroy this.

- On a similar note but worth a separate point is to highlight one of your own key points; you say correctly that "your aim is to protect the green belt" - how is this the case when considering building upon it?? You have to make a stand now otherwise what will be left for future generations.

- On a practical point I'm sure your aware of the flooding that occurs on this farm land most winters just the other side of my garden fence in the potential house build area (037). See pic WH2. This is a shot of the after effect of a stream which flows from west to east across the farm. Of course not desirable for building.

- Again I am keen on progress in West Horndon but 43% of the entire boroughs quota is far too weighted on West Horndon and hugely confusing that this is even being considered seriously?

In conclusion we are vehemently against any development on green belt land and believe there are other options in other towns within Brentwood without destroying England's green and pleasant land.


  • WH1 (2.64 MB)
  • WH2 (80.79 KB)