
Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 16069

Received: 16/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

Documents described as 'forthcoming':
Green Belt Review.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
New economic evidence including the impact of Crossrail.
Documents requiring an Update/Further Assessment:
A Green Infrastructure Study.
Transport Assessment.
Objectively Assessed Housing Needs.
Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment.
The Plan is therefore supported by a limited evidence base, which by the Council's own admission is "emerging and ongoing" (DLP, paragraph 1.22). Paragraph 2.16 confirms: "several pieces of evidence are being undertaken alongside Local Plan preparation to inform policies as they are being developed and ensure the Council is able to produce a Plan as quickly as possible".

Full text:

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