
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1599

Received: 02/10/2013

Respondent: Mrs Juliette Curtis

Representation Summary:

Objection because the infrastructure can no way cope with 1500 houses as this would lead to:
- An impact on trains
- The road not coping with such an increase in cars.
- Flood Risk
- Uncertainty over retail.
- An impact on the rural setting of the village and a threat to wildlife and bio diversity.
- Uncertainty over employment.
- A risk of crime.

Full text:

I object wholly to the proposal of 1500 houses. West Horndon is a small village and many people live here because of that. The infrastructure we have here can no way cope with this many houses and we have spoken to c2c and there are no plans to increase the already packed trains. The roads or should I say road in and out of the village cannot cope with a possibility of up to 3000 cars running through the village let alone the building work traffic that will also pass through, this in my eyes will not make West Horndon a better place. There is also the flood issue as we are on a flood plain here as Christmas day 2012 will show you, and we pride ourselves on the green belt around us which you are wanting to take from us. What we cannot see is the benefits to the residents of West Horndon will be and what will happen to our small amount of shops, will they just end up boarded up as you are planning to build a shopping centre. This we do not want to see. This will also have a huge impact on the countryside and rural setting of the village, no consideration has been given to the wildlife and bio diversity issues. We are led to believe that the existing industrial site will be moved to Childerditch lane has any thought gone to the hundreds of people that are employed here that many of these come to work on a train or unless you are moving the train station these people will be unable to get to work maybe causing loss of employment. National guidance states that LPA should assess the quality and capacity of infrastructure. water supply ,wastewater and its treatment ,energy , telecommunications , health social care, education and flood risk to meet forecast demands. This has NOT been done. We pride ourselves on our small rural village and this we want it to stay we do not want West Horndon to turn into a town which in turn could mean more crime and as there is no mention of upping the police presence this could only mean disaster. Could this also mean our house prices will drop as we wont be an exclusive small village but a town as our size could triple will the council compensate us for this and cut our council tax!!! Please don't make us a big concrete place to live surrounded by grid locked roads and keep us rural.