
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1588

Received: 29/09/2013

Respondent: Miss Beryl Farr

Representation Summary:

Object to CP4 on the grounds that:

1) It would create an impracticable amount of increased traffic (on the village's already over-used main road);
2) Increased flood-risk (in an area that already suffers from flooding); and
3) It would contravene the principle & ethicality of the existence of Green Belt.

Full text:

I recognize the need for more housing in the area & support the proposals outlined in CP7.

However, development in this small community should stop there,& I object to CP4 on the grounds that :
1)It would create an impracticable amount of increased traffic (on the village's already over-used main road);

2)Increased flood-risk (in an area that already suffers from flooding);

3) It would contravene the principle & ethicality of the existence of Green Belt Land.