
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1587

Received: 29/09/2013

Respondent: Mr & Mrs G & J Suters

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

- We have poor roads in the village at present, and the increased volume can only add to the problem.
- The proposed development will also affect our water and sewage system that struggles to cope with the present amount of residents.
- All affordable housing or social housing is taken up by other housing authorities.
- We object to the building on Green Belt.
- Our infrastructure cannot sustain this size of development.
- The construction of 1500 houses on the edge of this village will destroy its open setting and rural character, and be a threat to wildlife.

Full text:

This is our comments regarding the above proposal.

My husband and I moved to West Horndon back in 2000 because it is a Village. A residential area with less than 1900 residents occupying its houses, bungalows and apartments/flats. We are both approaching retirement and saw ourselves living out our days in a small, community spirited environment.

Because of the now proposed development we feel that our life will be affected by the increased number of People and vehicles that BBC is proposing to inflict on our rural Village. There has been no thought for the residents of West Horndon, we have very poor roads in the village at present, and the increased volume can only add to the problem. All three entry points to the village pose significant hazards at present, and local residents just about cope as it is, therefore adding 1500 new homes will only make the original residents lives harder.

I am concerned that the proposed development will also affect our water and sewage system that struggles at times to cope with the present amount of residents.

I am also concerned that the proposed development will not be for the benefit of local people. We have two children who are trying to get on the housing market, but prices are too high. All affordable housing or social housing is taken up by other housing authorities to house their overspill and most of them do not even reside in Essex.

We object to the building on Green Belt, and the fact that the proposal implies that there could be even further development is a major concern. Our infrastructure cannot sustain this size of development, and the fact that you are considering building in a Flood risk area goes against all logical advice from Professional Agencies.

West Horndon is a small lower density settlement surrounded by open countryside. The village is characterised by larger plots backing onto open fields.

A wide variety of wildlife can be seen in and around the village. Birds, such as the Dunnock, Thrush, Finch, Nightingale, Skylark, Kestral, Buzzard, Tawny Owl and so on. Butterflies such as the Small Blue, Red Admiral, Wall Brown. The Water Vole, Great Crested Newts and Pipestrelle Bats to name but a few.

The construction of 1500 houses on the edge of this village and the consequent loss of a large expanse of our open countryside will destroy its open setting and rural character.

Overall, our concern is that the people of this lovely little village are the ones most likely to suffer the harmful impacts of a development of this size, without any discernible benefits to them.

We hope that you review all the aspects of this planned development and put into place thorough consideration of what the residents of West Horndon have raised concerns about. This planned development is disproportionate in relation to the borough.