
Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 15624

Received: 10/05/2016

Respondent: Basildon Borough Council

Representation Summary:

The recently published evidence (Assessment of Potential Housing, Employment and Mixed Use Sites in the Green Belt and their Relative Contribution to the Purposes of the Green Belt Designation - March 2016) states that 'An update to the 2014 SHMA is currently being undertaken by the Council in light of subsequent amendments in national policy guidance'. This suggests that Brentwood Borough Council recognise the deficiencies in their evidence regarding the objectively assessed need for housing in their borough, and it is therefore expected that the matters raised above will be resolved prior to the Brentwood Local Plan being progressed to submission. Basildon Borough Council would be pleased to be engaged and kept informed of the progress with this work as it is progressed.

Full text:

See attached.
