
Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 15618

Received: 10/05/2016

Respondent: Basildon Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Brentwood Borough intends to meet its objectively assessed housing need (OAN) inline with the 2014 OAN document within the Brentwood Borough boundary. We supports this approach to housing growth. However, the OAN report was produced prior to the release of the 2012 sub national population projections (2012 SNPP), or the more recently published 2012 based CLG Household Projections. The Planning Practice Guidance is clear that these more recent projections should form the starting point for calculating the OAN for housing in an area. Additionally, the calculations of OAN has not given consideration to changing patterns of out-migration from London, which could reasonably be expected to be considered in any sensitivity testing of demographic forecasts, in those areas surrounding London. Changing migration patterns could seriously impact on the need for housing within Brentwood Borough going forward. Brentwood Borough Council should carry out further work to re-assess the OAN to include these projections, and should the need for housing change in light of this, Brentwood Borough Council should seek to revise the target accordingly and to continue to fully meet their OAN.

Full text:

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