
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1496

Received: 23/09/2013

Respondent: David and Lesley Peterson

Representation Summary:

Our objections are as follows:
1. Development on Metropolitan Green Belt.
2. Loss of open countryside and adverse impact on wildlife;
3. increase in flood risk;
4. loss of local employment
6. Impact on the existing village altering the rural character of the village;
7. Existing transport networks (road and rail) do not have the capacity to deal with additional traffic; and
8. Over-dependency on amenities within the village.

Finally, we remain concerned that any development plan failing to take account of proposals made and their cumulative impact on West Horndon is unsound.

Full text:

We are writing to express our objections to the proposed development of West Horndon. Our objections are as follows:
1. Development of Metropolitan Green Belt
Green belt land exists to prevent urban sprawl keeping land permanently open. The proposed development on this land directly goes against this intention.
2. Environmental Impact. Loss of the expanse of open countryside as a result of the proposed development can only have and adverse impact on wildlife;
3. The proposal would increase the flood risk to an area already identified as being at risk of flooding by the Environment Agency; and
4. Moving the industrial estate to a location by the M25 will increase carbon emissions with employees being forced to use other forms of transport to get to their place of work rather than the railway as at present.
5. Impact on Employment/Business
Employees and indeed businesses may not be able to move to the new locations identified for industry due to the rental costs/facilities available/lack of transport (where public transport is currently used). May lead to a loss of local employment for those in the village that work in the industrial park.
6. Impact on the existing village
More than doubling the size of the existing village will undoubtedly alter the rural character of the village;
7. Existing transport networks (road and rail) do not have the capacity to deal with the additional volumes of traffic/passengers the development would generate; and
8. Amenities within the village; the school, doctors etc. do not have the capacity to accommodate the additional numbers the development would generate.

Finally, we remain concerned that any development plans fail to take account of proposals made/being developed by adjoining councils and the overall cumulative effect that this would have on West Horndon in relation to increased commuter numbers, road users and pollution.
