
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1482

Received: 01/10/2013

Respondent: Mrs Michelle Morris

Representation Summary:

- The loss of Green belt land under this proposed development is totally unacceptable. This would have a major impact on the wildlife and the bio-diversity of the whole area.
- West Horndon has limited amenities, very few shops and no secondary school. The primary school is already at full capacity.
- The road infrastructure in and around West Horndon will be inadequate to cope with the increase in traffic of this proposed development.
- The Railway Station at West Horndon will be unable to cope with increased passengers.
- West Horndon is a flood risk.

Full text:

The draft plan to building 1500 new homes at West Horndon would increase the size of a small village setting to an unacceptable level and is totally disproportionate. No reason has been given as to why West Horndon has been selected to receive 43% of the total of dwellings under the proposed development plan.

I have been to the Council road shows and I asked various questions, but the Council Officers were unable or unwilling to give any answers regarding Infrastructure, time scales, Impact on West Horndon residents, Flooding etc the stock answer was "That's down to the developer".

How can we be asked to comment on a major development within our small community when we are only being presented with basic outline facts of the boundaries and location of the proposed site?

The loss of any Green belt land under this proposed development is totally unacceptable and against the government's national planning policy framework but Brentwood Council's plan suggests that green belt should be used in direct contradiction to the government's policy. Development on the green belt would have a major impact on the wildlife and the bio-diversity of the whole area and destroy the village community.

West Horndon cannot be deemed as a sustainable location due to its small size and due to its limited amenities, very few shops and no secondary school. The primary school is already at full capacity and travel to the secondary school is by school bus.

The road infrastructure in and around West Horndon will be inadequate to cope with the increase in traffic of this proposed development. The A127 is at a standstill most mornings going into London and heavy traffic Southend bound. The Proposed development traffic would have to use Station Road. If they wanted to head towards Southend, Brentwood, A13 or A128 as they would be unable to enter the A127 directly, causing traffic to queue along Station Road and blocking the junction at Station Road / A128

Plus the increased traffic using the surrounding country lanes will make the lanes dangerous.

The Railway Station at West Horndon & rail service in its present form will be unable to cope with the increased rail passengers. The number of passengers using the station at present makes you are unable to get a seat and its standing room only on rush hour services.
Probably making it impossible for people to access the trains at Upminster and beyond.

West Horndon and Bulphan are now shown on the Environment agency web site as being at risk from flooding, with the village flooding in 1958, 1981 and 2013. Any system put in place to try and elevate the flooding would put the Village of Bulphan under an increased threat of flooding.

No actual number of plots or locations of the proposed Travellers site have been given which I find unacceptable. Traveller sites bring fear of crime and disruption to the local community.