
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1453

Received: 01/10/2013

Respondent: Mr. and Mr Raymond and Patricia Carey

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

- Limited infrastructure currently in place.
- Current services such as public transport, access to GP and healthcare and local shops are already stretched.
- The major roads around West Horndon are already full during peak commuter times.
- The trains are completely full during the rush hour
- Threat to the green belt.

Full text:

We are writing to register our strong disagreement with the proposed development in our village. We understand that the development will consist of 1500 new homes which will increase the size of the village threefold and significantly change its character. We moved here in 1999 specifically because we wanted to enjoy a more tranquil and rural environment which is very important to us in our retirement but this development will result in something akin to a "New Town" which has very different qualities.

We understand that this proposal satisfies over 40% of the Borough's requirements for the next 20 years and we do not understand why West Horndon is being singled out in this way. A more proportionate approach would be for a larger number of other locations in the Borough accept smaller developments.

Our main concerns centre on the infrastructure that would be needed to support such a large community-details of which have not materialised. It is unacceptable that consultation is being completed without such important information and it will be impossible to give considered feedback with so little information.

Whilst the current services such as public transport, access to GP and healthcare and local shops are already stretched, we are prepared to accept this situation when it is accompanied by the more positive aspects of rural life. The major roads around West Horndon are already full during peak commuter times so the potential impact of a further 1500 cars trying to join them would simply gridlock the village.

The main route via the lanes includes a railway bridge on a bend which would not be able to cater for increases in traffic of this magnitude. We cannot envisage how this particular stretch of road could be upgraded sufficiently.

Although C2C provide an excellent service into Fenchurch Street, the trains are completely full during the rush hour and again adding a further potential 1500 passengers would decimate the service for residents of West Horndon as well as those living further into London. We do not believe there is capacity for additional trains to run therefore people will not be able to get on the train.

Health care provision is very important to us and with many residents of West Horndon being of an older generation, any reduction in service could be critical. In the event that local GP's are not forthcoming, we will be forced to take to the roads and overstretched public transport to find such services.

We understand that much of the development will be on green belt land again this will completely change our environment. We have taken a very active role in restoring and maintaining the green spaces around the village and to work so hard for this benefit whilst great swathes of it are taken without proper consideration and consultation with the local community is unacceptable.

We would summarise our objections as follows:
We have been given insufficient information to have a meaningful consultation and therefore the council has failed to follow government guidelines on planning, in the absence of such information, we have grave concerns over whether a proper and extensive assessment has been carried out on behalf of West Horndon residents.

We are concerned that West Horndon has been singled out as an easy solution to the entire Borough's housing needs for many years to come .

We believe the environment of village will be significantly damaged by the loss of green belt land and the stress that will be placed on local transport and road links.
Access to sufficient healthcare services for the many people of our age group in West Horndon could be critically undermined.

We would strongly urge you to carry out a proper study of these proposals and demonstrate clearly and fairly how the community as a whole will benefit. At this point, we would be in a position to carry out meaningful consultation.