
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1446

Received: 25/09/2013

Respondent: Sue Lister

Representation Summary:

It is not acceptable for the following reasons:

1. West Horndon is special as it is a village, with its own character, despite its proximity with London.

2. have you looked at alternative sites?

3. infrastructure

4. GB

5. Travellers Site- where?

6. air quality will deteriate further

There has been no collaboration with the village, and no engagment. An LDP should be robust and sound, this Plan is badly conceived and thought out for the reasons above. However I accept that building on the industrial park will be a good thing as it will reduce traffic congestion.

Full text:

I am appalled at the LDP that has been put forward for consultation, proposing 1500 new homes for West Horndon

West Horndon is special as it is a village that is very close to London, but has it's own character. It's not pretty, but it's most important component is it's people. We have a high proportion of older people, who at the moment are happy and safe. Children can play in the street - how are the council going to ensure that this doesn't deteriorate ? Our village has character - and we can prove it. That must not be taken away.500 homes will increase our village by nearly 75% - surely that is a big enough chunk for us to take ? Why has so much been allocated to West Horndon when Brentwood has 10 parishes - it is hardly fair distribution !


What plans are in place up updating the railway and the train service ? If there are plans to increase the population, will there be space on the tracks and in the service for the necessary passengers ? I accept the train station is an asset when developing an area, but the trains only go in two directions - London and Southend (both of which are straight out of the borough) and there is no direct link up with crossrail. Surely to develop more around Shenfield, already a thriving town, would make more sense ? Other neighbouring boroughs have their own LDP's and this will doubtless impact on West Horndon station, with additional commuters either driving and parking or being dropped off. How much pressure can the line take ?

Will the necessary police presence, doctor availablity and pharmacy be in place before the development is completed, or will it be another case of too little to late ? Who will pay for these extra facilities ? I appreciate that the income will eventually be derived from the council tax from the new properties, but these facilities need to be in place as soon as possible. Who also will pay for the infrastructure ? The developer or us ?

The children will need to go to senior school in Brentwood - which will put even more pressure on the A128 as there are no trains that adequately make this journey.

Industrial Estate

I accept that building on the industrial park will be a good thing as it will eliminate a lot of heavy traffic from the village, but this influx of people will make our green belt even more important, and more people will benefit from the field which is currently under threat to the west of the industrial estate - as it will be bordered by Thorndon Avenue, Petresfield Way and the new proposed housing estate on the industrial estate. There is sufficient brownfield and windfall sites that can be built on - greenbelt is there for a good reason, as planners in the past realised and had the foresight to preserve it as such.

Medical concerns

My doctor told me that due to the air quality in West Horndon is bad due to us being sited in a bowl lower than the M25. Has this question been looked into ? The development of houses on the industrial estate will do nothing to improve the air quality, but surely taking away the large greenbelt field will make it even worse, leading to even more children being brought up with asthma and respiratory diseases. Furthermore the Doctor who has been in the village for many years says that they are at full stretch now, I trust that the medical facilities will be the first thing to be put in place when the development starts.

Green Belt.

Firstly this is Metropolitan Green Belt, which was put in place in order to stop exactly what you are proposing. This is not a exceptional reason to build on Green Belt, as there are still brownfield and windfall sites available. Agriculture is vital to the economy of our land, and by building on it we are reducing the food supply. Furthermore many, birds, butterflies and insects are on the endangered list. Building on Green Belt exacerbates this. This particular stretch of green belt is also particularly important as it is the nearest part of green belt to London - if this is breached where will it stop?

Drainage and Flooding

I am sure that you are aware that West Horndon suffered extensive flooding last year, and from our house we could see how badly the field to the north of our house was affected. Indeed had the field not been there, our property together with those of our neighbours would also have flooded. You are proposing building on that land. I trust that the council has adequate insurance to cover being sued for negligence if this comes to pass .

Alternative Sites

A the council, with all your records, you must have I am sure knowledge of all the available brownfield and windfall sites that are available. Your LDP does not explain why Wates Way and the Hutton Industrial Parks are not being developed, and the businesses there could be transferred to the new proposed industrial site by the M25 . Also the Timmermans Nursery is up for sale which is 13.5 acres. Although this is Green belt land it has already some commercial use on it, and is conveniently placed by the A127 for easy access. Why can this not be considered ahead of site 037 ?

Traveller Sites

How can this possibly be a consultation when you have put forward absolutely NOTHING about the siting of the proposed travellers sites? I am sure that this is negligent on the part of the council.

The points in the LDP that are so poorly thought out, that they would be laughable if this wasn't such an important issue to West Horndon - even if Brentwood Council don't attach any value to our way of life.

There has been no collaboration with the village, and we have certainly not been proactively engaged. An LDP should be robust and sound, and it seems to me that this plan is badly conceived and thought out for the reasons above.