
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1444

Received: 20/09/2013

Respondent: Norman Page

Representation Summary:

I wish to register my objection to most of your proposals. My personal view is as follows. I have no objection in principle to the proposed new use of the Industrial Estate. Indeed, if some reasonably researched housing is to replace the present noisy and unpleasant stream of lorries, I would be all in favour. However, Im most concerned about the proposed housing on the metropolitan green belt site from Thorndon Avenue to the A127. I am also very concerned about the inevitability of increased flooding in the area if the development goes ahead as planned. As for establishing traveller sites in the Village- they dont travel!

Full text:

I have lived in West Horndon for more than fifty years, and I wish to register my objection to most of your proposals. No doubt you will have received the literature I have mentioned and you will be aware of the reasons for our objections and the feelings of the majority of the Villagers. My personal view is as follows:

I have no objection in principle to the proposed new use of the Industrial Estate. Indeed, if some reasonably researched housing is to replace the present noisy and unpleasant stream of lorries, I would be all in favour. However, I am most concerned about the proposed housing on the metropolitan green belt site from Thorndon Avenue to the A127. I was always under the impression that such sites are sacrosanct in perpuity, as they form a natural barrier between urban dwellings and the countryside. I am also very concerned about the inevitability of increased flooding in the area if the development goes ahead as planned.
As for establishing traveller sites in the Village, I have only one comment; the problem with travellers is that they don't travel.