
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 13048

Received: 15/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Dean Taylor

Representation Summary:

I do not wish to see the council build 6,300 houses before 2030 on any greenbelt land within the borough. Brownfield sites should always be the first option.

The possible development on land to the east of Ingrave and Herongate will have a dramatic affect on the wonderful countryside we enjoy as residents in Ingrave and Herongate. Also the A127 and the A128 in their current form especially the A128 that runs through both villages could not cope with such large scale development, the A128 struggles now with traffic during peak hours. Any extra volume of traffic running through both villages will add danger to residents, even more so with Ingrave Johnstone School located on the A128.

Full text:


Following an Extraordinary Meeting organised by my local Herongate & Ingrave Parish Council on Wednesday 11th March 2015, I would like to advise Brentwood Borough Council that I do not wish to see the council build 6300 houses before 2030 on any greenbelt land within the borough. Brownfield sites should always be the first option.

I would also like to advise the council that I am extremely disappointed that they have failed to formally notify me of any consultation periods regarding the above that ended on 17th February 2015 or for Dunton Garden Suburb that ends 16th March 2015. I have not received any letters from the council on this matter.

I first read about Dunton Garden Suburb in the Brentwood Gazette at the beginning of the year. The first I heard of any possible development between Running Waters and the Billericay Road, Herongate Tye was when my local parish councillor delivered the Herongate & Ingrave Newsletter on 14th February 2015. This was 3 full days before the consultation period ended, hardly enough time to understand and respond to the council.

I feel that as an Ingrave resident for the last 28 years that the possible development on land to the east of Ingrave and Herongate will have a dramatic affect on the wonderful countryside we enjoy as residents in Ingrave and Herongate. Also the A127 and the A128 in their current form especially the A128 that runs through both villages could not cope with such large scale development, the A128 struggles now with traffic during peak hours. Any extra volume of traffic running through both villages will add danger to residents, even more so with Ingrave Johnstone School located on the A128.

I would like the council to take my views into consideration and have the courtesy to formally notify me of any on-going devolvement's that may have an impact on greenbelt land in Brentwood, and in particular within the boundaries of the parish of Ingrave & Herongate.