
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11660

Received: 13/02/2015

Respondent: Deborah Wilson

Representation Summary:

Shenfield has a serious lack of Public open space, please consider extending the Courage's playing fields. This will alleviate the existing pressure and address any further shortfall if you are minded to allow substantial residential development to proceed.

Full text:

I understand that you and your fellow councillors together with senior officers are in the process of reviewing the Borough's Local Plan.

You have invited residents to contribute to this consultation process which I know is much appreciated by my fellow residents.

As you will know all we have by way of Public Open Space here in Shenfield is the Courage's playing field, which during the summer months is taken over most weekends by Shenfield Cricket club leaving our children and grandchildren with a very small play area.

Shenfield has a serious lack of Public open space, so, when your officers are considering their plans, can residents in Shenfield be taken into consideration and serious thought given to expanding what little space we have by extending the Courage's playing fields. This will alleviate the existing pressure and address any further shortfall if you are minded to allow substantial residential development to proceed.
