
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11449

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: Mrs D Phillipson

Representation Summary:

Our family moved to Ingrave 53 years ago, the fields, woods and parks provide peaceful space away from towns and increasingly busy roads.

Disturbed that pressure is being made to find land to build thousands more houses, and I urge Brentwood Council to resist any development on Green Belt land. These green areas are also valuable agricultural resources.

Herongate, Ingrave and West Horndon already has inadequate amenities such as transport, schools, doctors etc. for the existing population. There would be significant additional infrastructure required.

Full text:

Strategic Growth Options Plan (SGOP)

I write to comment on the SGOP for Brentwood. Our family moved to Ingrave 53 years ago and we have enjoyed the surrounding countryside during this time. The fields, woods and parks provide peaceful space away from towns and increasingly busy roads.

My understanding of the Green Belt legislation is that in 1957 the UK Government enshrined in law and promising that this green area surrounding London would be safeguarded as a valuable landscape and a national and historic environment.
I am very disturbed that pressure is being put upon Brentwood Borough Council to find land to build thousands more houses, and I urge Brentwood Council to resist any development on this precious Green Belt land. These green areas are also valuable agricultural resources and musty be protected under Green Belt legislation.

We are being pressured to increase housing in the South East and expand, and here in Herongate, Ingrave and West Horndon there are already inadequate amenities such as transport, schools, doctors etc. for the existing population. Surely the UK Government should be seeking land away from the crowded south east upon which to build further housing, plus the resulting infrastructure that will be required; and again, I urge Brentwood Borough Council to resist any development on our precious Green Belt land.
