
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11422

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Ronald Phillipson

Representation Summary:

I am aware of the pressure that Central Government is putting on Brentwood Council, I strongly urge you to resist any development on this precious Green Belt land, which offers fresh air and quiet recreation for everyone in Ingrave and Herongate. These green areas are also valuable agricultural resources and should be protected under Green Belt legislation.

There are more suitable places in the rest of the County and Country. England has become far too London and SE centred.

Any development around the two villages would suffer badly from a lack of general amenities (e.g. transport, schools, doctors, etc.).

Full text:

Strategic Growth Options Plan (SGOP)

I am writing to comment on the proposed SGOP for Brentwood.

I have lived in the village of Ingrave for 53 years. During this time I have enjoyed countless walks in the fields and woods to the east of the A128 (NE, E and SE of the village). I am therefore very dismayed to see that all these areas appear to be under threat as part of the SGOP.

Whilst I am aware of the pressure that Central Government is (wrongly, I believe) putting on Brentwood Council, I strongly urge you to resist any development on this precious Green Belt land, which offers fresh air and quiet recreation for everyone in Ingrave and Herongate. These green areas are also valuable agricultural resources and should be protected under Green Belt legislation. I find it very difficult to believe that there aren't much more suitable places for housing developments in other parts of the County, not to mention large areas of the rest of the Country. England has become far too London and SE centred. This is not good in the long term.

In addition to the above, any development around the two villages would suffer badly from a lack of general amenities (e.g. transport, schools, doctors, etc.).
