
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11147

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs. Daphne Gilbert

Representation Summary:

Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 3

Full text:

Q1: No - Do not feel able to comment.

Q2: See Q1 comment.

Q3: Yes - Have already registered objections to proposed development of site 011A, and new extensions 011B, 011C and 0176 are not welcome either.

Q4: Not able to make any useful comment.

Q5: No - Better to fill in brownfield sites within the urban areas to prevent urban spread.

Q6: Develop brownfield sites.

Q7: Yes and No - Not sure - more traffic on motorways?

Q8: Yes - We need good shops, but not so many eating places. A cinema would be nice as well.

Q9: No.

Scenic Beauty/ Attractiveness: 4
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 4
Wildlife Interest: 4
Tranquility: 3

Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 3

Q12: Yes - Pressure on services, i.e. doctors etc.

Q13: Improvement on roads and faster rail service from Brentwood to London.
