
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 10108

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Graham Hesketh

Representation Summary:

Increasing the size of a village by say 40 homes brings a major problem to the infrastructure, education and environment. Litter around the village is not fine. This will increase. Noise will increase. Unsocial behaviour may well develop. Flooding could increase due to the concreting of fields.

Full text:

Q1: Yes and No. Growth is essential to life. However, how do we grow? The value of a new garden city is appealing providing this growth is maintained in an orderly way. The growth of villages is not desirable. The infrastructure is not there for growth.
B) A real need for better traffic systems. The trouble is with the M25 it will become full and then where do we go?
C) Agree but road problems like above.

Q2: Yes and No.
A) North of the Borough comment 2.14 agree, comment 2.15 disagree.
B) Broadly agree.
C) Broadly agree.

Q3: The village garden site at Dunton should be the preferred option. As stated enlarging villages causes problems re social, education, roads and then village life becomes town life. Sure there is no difference between the village and town.

Q4: The Dunton site.

Q5: Yes - The A12 is an obvious growth area alongside the corridor. The trouble is again are of infrastructure and urban creep. The A12 is a very busy road. Unless planned well it will become even busier and disrupt the economic well being of the region.

Q6: The green and beautiful land will become not Jerusalem but that of the film 'Blade Runner'. We have a duty to protect it therefore Brownfield sites are the preferred option. Once you take Greenfield sites the next step is to take the next but if greenfield next to the site just developed.

Q7: Yes - Businesses need to access transport links quickly. Locating these near Strategic highway networks is sensible providing safeguards are taken in order to reduce the impact it has on the surrounding areas and general environment.

Q8: Yes - Brentwood needs a 'honeypot'. A store that will encourage people to come. At the same time the individual businesses must be safe and ordered. Parking prices are unjustifiable. In Hornchurch they charge 20p for 2 hours. Make the price somewhere for people to come and enjoy the experience.

Q9: No - After nearly 20 years of living in this village it is noticeable the increase in traffic and the noise that has come with the years. The thought of these two ingredients increasing due to 'more open space provision is numbing. People live in such areas to get away from less open space environment. So why should we have to provide more 'open space provision'. Use brownfield sites!

Scenic Beauty/Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation/Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5
Other - Breathing space: 5

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 3
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 2
Other - Wildlife: 4

Q12: Increasing the size of a village by say 40 homes brings a major problem to the infrastructure, education and environment. Litter around the village is not fine. This will increase. Noise will increase. Unsocial behaviour may well develop. Flooding could increase due to the concreting of fields.

Q13: In this area, the roads are bad, potholes come and don't go! Alleviate the areas that flood. Over the past couple of years the flood planes in the roach flood. I hate to think what it will be like when fields disappear. Where will the water go? Provision for infrastructure should be roads and flood alleviation.
