Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

Ended on the 9 November 2022

2. Responding to this consultation

(14)Question 1: The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Viability Assessment Update (August 2022) informed the production of the proposed rates in the draft CIL Charging Schedule.

Do you have any comments on the content of the CIL Viability Assessment Update?

(2)Question 2: Do the proposed levy rates set out in the draft CIL Charging Schedule appropriately reflect the conclusions of the CIL Viability Assessment Update?

(1)Question 3: Do the proposed levy rates set out in the draft CIL Charging Schedule provide an appropriate balance between securing infrastructure investment and supporting the financial viability of new development in the area?

(10)Question 4: CIL rates should not be set at a level which could render new development financially unviable. To ensure the financial viability of new development in the area, and to take into account variations in land prices and development costs throughout the Borough, the draft CIL Charging Schedule proposes variable rates for different kinds of development.

Do you have any comments on the proposed CIL rates?

(2)Question 5: Should any types of development be charged a different CIL rate, and if so, why?

Where alternative rates are proposed, please provide evidence to demonstrate why a proposed rate should be changed.

(3)Question 6: To support the financial viability of new development in the area, the draft CIL Charging Schedule includes an Instalments Policy which allows specified levels of levy charges to be paid in instalments over a set period of time.

Do you have any comments on the draft Instalments Policy?

(1)Question 7: The Consultation Information Booklet provides information on the types of development which would be required to pay the levy. The CIL Regulations allow the Council to give relief or grant exemptions to identified types of the development from paying the levy. The Council has not identified any types of development which may require specific discretionary relief or exemption from paying the levy beyond the compulsory relief outlined in the Regulations.

Is there a need to provide discretionary relief from the levy to any types of development, and if so, why?

(10)Question 8: Do you have any other comments on the draft CIL Charging Schedule?

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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