Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

Ended on the 9 November 2022


The Council has published the Community Infrastructure Levy draft Charging Schedule for public consultation. Through this consultation the Council is seeking your views on the draft Charging Schedule and associated evidence base documents, to submit your comments please complete the questions in Section 2: Responding to this consultation. Please provide comments on the draft Charging Schedule by the 5pm on Wednesday 9th November.

The draft Charging Schedule is designed to be a simple document which clearly outlines the proposed CIL rates for each type of development. Background information on CIL and the administration of CIL within the borough is provided in the following supporting documents:

1. Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule

Proposed Community Infrastructure Levy rates

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) liable development, as defined within the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (as amended) 2010 and the Planning Practice Guidance, will be required to pay the following levy rates.

Development type

CIL rate per m2


Brentwood Local Plan(1) Strategic Residential-led and Mixed Use Allocations(2):

R01, Dunton Hills Garden Village

R02, Land at West Horndon Industrial Estate

R03, Land North of Shenfield(3)




All other areas


Older people's housing(4)



General(5) retail:

In Brentwood Town Centre High Street(6)

In all other areas





Retail warehouse(8)



Located on:

Greenfield land

Brownfield land



Distribution and logistics(9)


All other development


(1) Brentwood Local Plan 2016-2033, adopted March 2022.

(2) The location and boundary of the sites are presented in the CIL Variable Rates Map 1 below.

(3) Site referred to within the CIL Viability Assessment Update (August 2022) as Officer's Meadows.

(4) Older people's housing is defined as:

  • Retirement living or sheltered housing: This usually consists of purpose-built flats or bungalows with limited communal facilities such as a lounge, laundry room and guest room. It does not generally provide care services, but provides some support to enable residents to live independently. This can include 24 hour on-site assistance (alarm) and a warden or house manager.
  • Extra care housing or housing-with-care: This usually consists of purpose-built or adapted flats or bungalows with a medium to high level of care available if required, through an onsite care agency registered through the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Residents are able to live independently with 24 hour access to support services and staff, and meals are also available. There are often extensive communal areas, such as space to socialise or a wellbeing centre. In some cases, these developments are known as retirement communities or villages – the intention is for residents to benefit from varying levels of care as time progresses.

(5) All retail development which is not a supermarket or retail warehouse as defined below.

(6) Retail within the areas of the Brentwood Town Centre High Street Primary Shopping Area identified in the CIL Variable Rates Map 2 below.

(7) Defined as retail selling predominantly convenience goods in premises of 1,000m2 or more, offering a shopping destination in their own right where weekly food shopping needs are met. Supermarkets can also include non-food floorspace as part of the overall mix.

(8) Defined as retail selling predominantly comparison goods (such as carpets, furniture, electrical goods, DIY items) in large premises of 2,000m2 or more.

(9) Uses within the Use Classes Order Class B8 storage and distribution.

Proposed Instalments Policy

The above levy rates are required to be paid to the Council through the following instalments following the provision of a CIL Demand Notice issued by the Council.

Overall CIL liability

Payment instalments

£20,000 or less

Payment in full within 240 days

£20,000 - £50,000

50% paid within 360 days

Further 50% paid within 540 days

£100,000 - £500,000

10% paid within 270 days

Further 15% paid within 540 days

Further 25% paid within 720 days

Remaining 50% paid within 900 days

£500,000 or more

Agreement of project specific payment schedule

CIL Variable Rates Map 1.a: Brentwood Local Plan Strategic Allocation R01

CIL charging map, local plan site allocation RO1 Dunton Hills Garden Village

CIL Variable Rates Map 1.b: Brentwood Local Plan Strategic Allocation R02

CIL charging map, local plan site allocation RO2 Land at West Horndon Industrial Estate

CIL Variable Rates Map 1.c: Brentwood Local Plan Strategic Allocation R03

CIL charging map, local plan site allocation RO3 Land North of Shenfield

CIL Variable Rates Map 2: Retail within the Brentwood Town Centre High Street Primary Shopping Area

CIL charging map, Brentwood High Street, marked with Brentwood Main Shopping Frontages Option 1
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