Draft Local Plan

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Draft Local Plan

044 & 178 Land at Priests Lane, Brentwood

Representation ID: 15091

Received: 26/04/2016

Respondent: Ursuline Sisters

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

The description of the Land at Priests Lane (Site Refs: 044 & 187) Table 7.2 makes reference to include provision of open space and/or Sports facilities for public use. Although the site is currently open land it makes no contribution to either public open space or sports provision. The only contribution it makes as open land is to provide the limited number of properties that bound with an open outlook. Therefore the requirement to make the provision of open space or sports facility for public use is not one that is justified. Furthermore, in the absence of an up to date Open Space Audit, it has not been shown that this area is deficient in, or in need of any additional public open space or sports facility to meet an identified need.

Suggest deletion of " to include provision of open space and/or Sports facilities for public use" or at the very least changed to read "potential for the provision of open space and/or Sports facilities for public use".

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Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.4: Housing Land Allocations

Representation ID: 15107

Received: 26/04/2016

Respondent: Ursuline Sisters

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

The phasing of such allocations should not be constrained by an arbitrary 5 year phasing timetable. The delivery of new housing is often driven by economics and the general health of the economy, and where new development is being sought it should not be denied by the indicative phasing applied within Appendix 2 of the Local Plan. It is considered that the only relevant matter restricting the phasing of development is that set out at (c) of Policy 7.4, which requires infrastructure requirements of the development can be fully met and satisfactorily addressed.
Recommended Change: Delete (a) and (b) of Policy 7.4.

Full text:

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Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.5: Affordable Housing

Representation ID: 15108

Received: 26/04/2016

Respondent: Ursuline Sisters

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Policy 7.5 has had no regard to the provision of 'Starter Homes', as has been set out within the Housing and Planning Bill 2015. Under the Bill, Local Planning Authorities are under a duty to promote the supply of starter homes. It is acknowledged that it is currently unclear whether such a provision is to be made alongside or as part of overall affordable housing provision. However, the Local Planning Authority should acknowledge the Housing and Planning Bill 2015 and give consideration to its likely impacts, and how such requirements are to be dealt with by policy.

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Draft Local Plan

Policy 9.3: Landscape Protection and Woodland Management

Representation ID: 15110

Received: 26/04/2016

Respondent: Ursuline Sisters

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Recommended change: Additional criteria should be added requiring that applications are also accompanied by a detailed landscape assessment which includes information sufficient to assess the potential impact of the proposal on the immediate and wider landscape character.

While reference is made to a Landscape Assessment commissioned by the Council and the existing Mid Essex Landscape Character Assessment, such documents will consider broad landscape patterns and characteristics. When dealing with smaller individual sites, the contribution they make in landscape terms, both locally and to the wider area, are often very specific.

This requirement will enable a more informed decision to be made that reflects the landscape value of individual sites within the wider landscape character, allowing for a judgement to be made on any impact that will arise from development and balancing this against other planning objectives/material considerations.

Full text:

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Draft Local Plan

Policy 10.9: Open Space, Community, Sport and Recreational Facilities

Representation ID: 15111

Received: 26/04/2016

Respondent: Ursuline Sisters

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

A judgement as to whether the requirements of Policy 10.9 cannot be made without having knowledge of what land has been allocated as Protected Open Space or Local Green Space, and the basis for doing so.

In the absence of the Proposals Map, and any further supporting background studies which set out the basis for the allocation of land under this policy, support cannot be given to this policy.

Full text:

See attached


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