Draft Local Plan

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Draft Local Plan

Housing Allocations

Representation ID: 15205

Received: 29/04/2016

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: Savills UK

Representation Summary:

SHLAA identified site 076 as appropriate for housing development for 89 units. A design-led approach has resulted in a lower-density scheme of approximately 40 residential units.

SHLAA also states that the site is suitable, achievable and available. Of all 7 sites considered in SHLAA, site 076 is the only suitable site around Blackmore.

Full text:

See attached.



Draft Local Plan

Policy 5.1: Spatial Strategy

Representation ID: 16152

Received: 16/05/2016

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Support the policy insofar as it relates to the following:
- Brentwood and Shenfield being the focus for new development within the A12 corridor;
- Proposals to allocate land within and on the edge of the Brentwood Urban Area to assist with achieving a five-year supply of housing; and
- That the Plan proposes to meet the Borough's objectively assessed need in full.

Full text:

See attached.



Draft Local Plan

Policy 6.5: Key Gateways

Representation ID: 16154

Received: 16/05/2016

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Support. The policy seeks contributions from development proposals in the vicinity of key gateways into the Borough in order to provide opportunities to enhance a positive impression of the Borough. Nag's Head Lane is within close proximity of the Brook Street junction (M25/A12) and development of this allocated site would provide an excellent opportunity for enhancements to be funded or included within the scheme. Details may be agreed at a later stage of the planning process.

Full text:

See attached.



Draft Local Plan

032 Land east of Nags Head Lane, Brentwood

Representation ID: 16155

Received: 16/05/2016

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

We support the proposed allocation of site 032 - land east of Nag's Head Lane for 150 dwellings. The site is wholly in accordance with the spatial strategy, the site selection criteria and the Sustainability Appraisal, in particular because: - It is highly accessible - Defendable Green Belt boundaries - It is highly sustainable - It would balance the strategic growth of Brentwood town providing much needed residential development at this western gateway location - No significant ecological constraints -Low Flood Risk - No significant noise constraints - It would provide significant planning benefits - Early delivery would be ensured.

Full text:

See attached.



Draft Local Plan

Policy 9.12: Site Allocations in Green Belt

Representation ID: 16156

Received: 16/05/2016

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Agree with the policy insofar as it relates to the proposed de-allocation of the land east of Nag's Head Lane from the Green Belt and allocation for residential development of approximately 150 dwellings. We would assure the Council that its general approach to the release of land from the Green Belt in order to accommodate OAHN is justified.

Full text:

See attached.


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