Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

Question 4

Representation ID: 7403

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

The Objectively Assessed Need isidentified as 360 per year for the next 15 years in the SGO document, the Preferred Options document rejected this level of growth. It is difficult to believe that circumstances have changed, in a short space of time, to a degree that now makes such a high level of growth acceptable. Therefore with evidence not having been published, the Parish question whether the Borough can confidentially claim that the housing demand has been objectively assessed. The SGO document does not off a question in this respect, appearing to suggest that the matter is outside their hands.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

037A Land West of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 7406

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Development of this site would change the existing West Horndon village, and put strain on local residents and infrastructure. The development this would represent within the Green Belt would be disproportionate in scale, inappropriate and represent significant harm to the local environment, including flooding, harm which would not be outweighed by the need for housing within the Borough. The open ended mature of "further capacity" is misleading, inappropriate in the absence of evidence. Within the statutory planning process, capacity should be reassessed at the time of any new LDP being prepared and not before.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

037B Land West of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 7407

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Development of this site would change the existing West Horndon village, and put strain on local residents and infrastructure. The development this would represent within the Green Belt would be disproportionate in scale, inappropriate and represent significant harm to the local environment,including flooding, harm which would not be outweighed by the need for housing within the Borough. The open ended mature of "further capacity" is misleading, inappropriate in the absence of evidence. Within the statutory planning process, capacity should be reassessed at the time of any new LDP being prepared and not before.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

037C Land West of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 7408

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Development of this site would change the existing West Horndon village, and put strain on local residents and infrastructure. The development this would represent within the Green Belt would be disproportionate in scale, inappropriate and represent significant harm to the local environment, including flooding, harm which would not be outweighed by the need for housing within the Borough. The open ended mature of "further capacity" is misleading, inappropriate in the absence of evidence. Within the statutory planning process, capacity should be reassessed at the time of any new LDP being prepared and not before.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

038A Land East of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 7409

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Development of this site would change the existing West Horndon village, and put strain on local residents and infrastructure. The development this would represent within the Green Belt would be disproportionate in scale, inappropriate and represent significant harm to the local environment, including flooding, harm which would not be outweighed by the need for housing within the Borough. The open ended mature of "further capacity" is misleading, inappropriate in the absence of evidence. Within the statutory planning process, capacity should be reassessed at the time of any new LDP being prepared and not before.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

038B Land East of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 7410

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Development of this site would change the existing West Horndon village, and put strain on local residents and infrastructure. The development this would represent within the Green Belt would be disproportionate in scale, inappropriate and represent significant harm to the local environment,including flooding, harm which would not be outweighed by the need for housing within the Borough. The open ended mature of "further capacity" is misleading, inappropriate in the absence of evidence. Within the statutory planning process, capacity should be reassessed at the time of any new LDP being prepared and not before.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

126 Land East of West Horndon, South of Station Road

Representation ID: 7411

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Development of this site would change the existing West Horndon village, and put strain on local residents and infrastructure. The development this would represent within the Green Belt would be disproportionate in scale, inappropriate and represent significant harm to the local environment, including flooding, harm which would not be outweighed by the need for housing within the Borough. The open ended nature of "further capacity" is misleading, inappropriate in the absence of evidence. Within the statutory planning process, capacity should be reassessed at the time of any new LDP being prepared and not before.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

020 West Horndon Industrial Estate, Childerditch Lane, West Horndon

Representation ID: 7412

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

The brownfield sites 020 and 021 could be developed in a positive manner for the village, although at a lower density than the 500 homes indicated in the 5 year land supply. The present infrastructure would be inadequate to support this expansion.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 12

Representation ID: 7413

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

The consultation document makes no reference to the major flood problems that would occur if development took place on any of the West Horndon sites.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

200 Entire Land East of A128, south of A127

Representation ID: 7414

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

In principle it is felt that Dunton Garden Suburb would be preferred to sites 037, 038 and 126 as a means to provide the required level of housing within the Borough, whilst managing this growth in a sustainable manner. With 6,000 houses proposed, are concerned whether it is likely to be a viable and deliverable option, would require major investment in infrastructure and technical assessment of impacts, and whether suggested road improvements, or a new station can be provided to ensure that it becomes a sustainable and self-sufficient community.

Full text:

See attached.


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