Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

1.13 Evidence

Representation ID: 7343

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

There should be more evidence in respect of environmental and transport matters to inform the plan. The Parish Council consider that the increased housing numbers, without such evidence, have not been objectively assessed in accordance with the NPPF.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

1.14 Consultations

Representation ID: 7351

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

West Horndon Parish Council are unclear as to why the Dunton Garden Suburb and the Strategic Growth Options consultations did not finish on the same date.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 3

Representation ID: 7355

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

There are important differences between the three growth areas. The narrow A127 corridor as it passes through the Borough, only has the existing small settlement of West Horndon, whereas the A12 Corridor comprises the main built up area of the Borough. It is clear therefore, without detailed analysis, that the A12 Corridor must provide the most sustainable location for development, having the transport links, shopping centres, schools, employment, and all other facilities and amenities.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 7356

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Smaller settlements in the A12 corridor could take a larger proportion of housing numbers, all of which are in reasonably sustainable locations, close to the A12 corridor.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 4

Representation ID: 7357

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

The road and rail infrastructure in the A127 Corridor is already at capacity and is over capacity during the rush hours.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 7358

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

It is not clear why the A127 Corridor has greater potential for improvements than the A12. The A127 is tightly bounded by Southend (where it is in essence, a local road) and the London area where traffic is extremely heavy. There are also many areas where houses run all the way to the edge of the A127. Widening of the A127 is not necessarily easy. The A12 could potentially be expanded in a number of areas without material impact to the surrounding residential properties. There has been no study to determine the extent to which the A12 would need improvements to enable more housing to be provided.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 7359

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

It is acknowledged that West Horndon is the only settlement in the A127 Corridor, as it passes through the Borough. There is an argument that Herongate and Ingrave are also within the A127 Corridor in the same way that Warley for example is in the A12 Corridor.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 10

Representation ID: 7360

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

The consultation document refers to fenland landscapes and also implies that the A127 has greater development potential due to it having a "different landscape character". The inference seems to be that the landscape is less attractive than elsewhere in the Borough. Whilst it does indeed have a different landscape character to the North of the Borough, the local residents' value of the open space and farmland should not be considered any lower than residents of the North of the Borough. The open, fenland landscape is valued extremely highly by local residents, and contributes to an open rural feel to this area and local settlements.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 7392

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

The principle behind Green Belt have always been that it is necessary to prevent coalescence, not to protect what might be subjectively considered as more attractive areas. There has been no assessment of Green Belt quality in the Borough. Such an exercise is being carried out by the neighbouring Green Belt authority, Epping Forest, as a pre-requisite to considering development sites in the Green Belt.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 4

Representation ID: 7393

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Flood risk is not addressed for any of the sites. It is clearly a major problem in the A127 Corridor and needs to be fully assessed before any development decision can be made. The Borough must be aware of the recent problems with local flooding on land South of West Horndon.

Full text:

See attached.


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