Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

101A Land at Codham Hall (including M25 Works Site at A127/M25 junction 29)

Representation ID: 7205

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: London Borough of Havering

Representation Summary:

LBH will want to see further detail on this site should it be taken forward into the Draft Brentwood Local Development Plan. Development of this site would have implications on Havering's section of the A127, which is already at or close to capacity in the peak periods in both directions.



Strategic Growth Options

175B Land at M25 J28, Brook Street, Brentwood (including existing buildings), and surrounding land

Representation ID: 7206

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: London Borough of Havering

Representation Summary:

LBH has specific concerns about this site. It is acknowledged that all sites are potential development sites only at this stage.
-Development of this site will impact on the character and openness of Green Belt contrary to its purpose set out in paragraphy 80 within the NPPF.
-This site in conjunction with 175B and 32 would form continuous ribbon development along the A12 to the Havering border from Brook Street
- The site is adjacent to the Ingrebourne Valley Metropolitan Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)
- Development here would have significant implications for the A12 and A127, in particular the Gallows corner junction.



Strategic Growth Options

032 Land east of Nags Head Lane, Brentwood

Representation ID: 7207

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: London Borough of Havering

Representation Summary:

LBH has specific concerns about this site. It is acknowledged that all sites are potential development sites only at this stage.
-Development of this site will impact on the character and openness of Green Belt contrary to its purpose set out in paragraphy 80 within the NPPF.
-This site in conjunction with 175B and 32 would form continuous ribbon development along the A12 to the Havering border from Brook Street
- The site is adjacent to the Ingrebourne Valley Metropolitan Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)
- Development here would have significant implications for the A12 and A127, in particular the Gallows corner junction.


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