Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

200 Entire Land East of A128, south of A127

Representation ID: 12494

Received: 23/04/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

There are transport and access issues for Dunton, the Duntonm roundabout is not able to take the required increase in traffic; alternative access is not feasible due to safety issues and there wouold be adverse impact on local roads. A new railway station at Dunton is not feasible; new bus routes to and from the new station and at least one of the existing stations would be needed. Where mitigation is feasible, this would come at a significant cost.


Strategic Growth Options

200 Entire Land East of A128, south of A127

Representation ID: 12509

Received: 23/04/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

Consideration of the visual and landscape impact of Dunton has been made in the landscape and visual impact, urban design and Green Belt perspective undertaken by Rummey Design. Currently there is a lack of detail regarding the Dunton proposals that limits the ability to undertake a full landscape and visual impact assessment. From the information available it is clear that there are many potentially adverse outcomes that would result from large scale development in this location in terms of urban and landscape design, landscape and visual impact, green belt, flood risk and, land use and soils.


Strategic Growth Options

Sustainability Appraisal

Representation ID: 12519

Received: 23/04/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

Consideration of transport and access, urban and landscape design, landscape and visual impact, green belt, flood risk and, land use and soils has been made of the 5 SA options considered by the SA.
Pilgrims Hatch would require area wide traffic modelling, development here would result in the loss of Green Belt. Urban extensions generally have poor transport connection and lower levels of general infrastructure, allocation of some of the smaller sites will help ensure that the delivery of a 5 year housing supply comes forward where larger development would take longer.


Strategic Growth Options

038B Land East of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 12522

Received: 23/04/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

Land east of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon has undergone an assessment to demonstrate that this location represents a sustainable option for growth that is available for development now. This assessment includes landscape character, Visibility, rban design, landscape and visual effects, an assessment of impact on the Green Belt, transport and access, Archaeology and ecology. The overall conclusion being that it would have no overriding environmental, technical or landownership constraints. Itscouls form the first phase of the sustainable expansion of West orndon. The site is available, suitable and viable, with a realistic possibility of being provided within the first 5 years o


Strategic Growth Options

Question 1

Representation ID: 12639

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

The area defined as the 'North of the Borough' comprises a number of small villages which although could accommodate a limited degree of growth, through smaller scale extensions to existing villages, Countryside considers that this option could be dismissed as it is unable to provide for the level of growth set out in the consultation document. There does not appear to be sufficient sites in this area to be a credible option for the plan.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 12640

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

The NPPF requires the Council to maintain a five year supply of specific deliverable housing sites on a rolling basis. In order to accommodate the level of required growth, the Strategic Growth Options document seeks a site for large scale growth, however, it will also be important to ensure that a sufficient range of smaller urban extension sites are allocated in addition to the strategic allocation.

The reason for this is that larger sites can take longer to come forward and once started can only support the delivery of a limited number of dwellings per year. The allocations of a range of smaller sites will help to ensure that this does not pose a threat to the Council's rolling five year land supply.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 12

Representation ID: 12651

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

There is a clear need for the housing strategy to both ensure that it meets the OAN and for the provision strategy to acknowledge and respect the changes to the local housing market which will follow the opening of Crossrail. Infrastructure spending needs to ensure that the stations at Brentwood and Shenfield can adequately serve the increased accessibility created by the investment in the provision of that infrastructure.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 13

Representation ID: 12652

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

There is a clear need for the housing strategy to both ensure that it meets the OAN and for the provision strategy to acknowledge and respect the changes to the local housing market which will follow the opening of Crossrail. Infrastructure spending needs to ensure that the stations at Brentwood and Shenfield can adequately serve the increased accessibility created by the investment in the provision of that infrastructure.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 5

Representation ID: 12653

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

It is our view that the A12 Corridor provides a sustainable location to deliver housing development over the plan period. However, it is recognised that strategic scale housing release is best provided through an urban extension to the east of West Horndon . Development along the A12 corridor should be focused on those locations that no longer perform a strong Green Belt function such as the land at Doddinghurst Road and Bayleys Mead.



Strategic Growth Options

023 Land off Doddinghurst Road, either side of A12, Brentwood

Representation ID: 12659

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

Site Ref: 023 - Land at Doddinghurst Road

The site on 7.2ha of land which can deliver 230-250 dwellings is divorced from the open countryside and also bisected by the A12, it also within single ownership with no known constraints to its deliverability.

In terms of Green Belt impact it is considered that the site as a whole does not make a significant contribution to the performing the Green Belt functions as set out in the NPPF and the local function as set out in the adopted Local Plan; Development of the site could be accommodated without significantly adversely affecting the future performance of the Green Belt in the area.

Impacts in terms of landscape, visual, ecology, archaeological, noise and air quality are not considered significant enough to prevent development on the site. Accessibility and infrastructure are considered to be good. Transport assessments have concluded that access to the site would be suitable and achievable.

A preliminary masterplan has been prepared, this proposes residential development on both the northern and southern parcels of land. The northern parcel can accommodate a higher proportion than the southern and development will be landscape led to be sensitive to its wider Green Belt surroundings.


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